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Discussion: Thunderking

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I don't know if you guys have talked about this yet, but this card does seem pretty interesting. The anti-Special Summon feature is pretty cool, not mention it stops everyone from drawing extra (good or bad, depending on your perspective).


Question: Can you discard this to negate a Special Summon?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Has Dandylion been released in America yet?

Do you think it is?
How hard is it to go online...look it up...and ask your self that same question...

Anyway...its no.

Of course it is! Silencer you're stupid. I have one up on [url=http://youtube.com/watch?v=3AdFA6WWJ7E]eBay[/url] for real cheap! Buy it now! [font=Arial][color=#ffffff][size=xx-small][/sarcasm][/size][/color][/font]
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Guest setojim

heres a pretty good decklist to you this:


19 monsters


2 cyber dragon

3 doomcaliber knight

3 thunderking

3 banisher of radiance

1 spirit reaper

2 light and darkness dragon

3 fossil dyna pachycephalo

3 protecter of the sanctuary


12 spells


3 burden of the mighty

3 deck lockdown

1 heavy storm

1 smashing ground

3 shrink

1 shield crush


10 traps


1 mirror force

1 torrential tribute

3 solemn judgment

3 dark bribe

1 trap dustshoot

1 mind crush


15 side:


3 shadow-imprisoning mirror

3 light-imprisoning mirror

3 royal oppression

3 d.d. crow

1 pulling the rug

2 dust tornado

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Guest setojim

yes and it shreds every single deck in the current meta


I tried it on DMU against all the top tier decks. It crushed every single one

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