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[SHP]"Signature Infinity" A Sig Shop of the Ages


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Ok I don't really mind. It's actually good for me. I'm improving while doing it.^^




Your image was really choppy >.<


Sorry I was really sleepy when I was doing this so I did it in a meh way. Excuse me.



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I want 2 done ok?





Text: Cutie <3


Any Particular Fonts? If so what?:N/A

Background Color: Light-Yellow a light color






Text: Black Knight Leader, Lelouche

Poke Maybe in small in the bottom right corner

Any Particular Fonts? If so what?:N/A

Background Color: Darkish purple


Thanks^^ if any problems PM me.

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Is this shop still open? if so...



Text: Edge of Justice

Sub-Text: ~Kale~

Any Particular Fonts? If so what?: nope, you choose.

Background Color: black

Any Comments?: must be 400px width 150px height. i want it so look like a smoke-like area, with the background overlapping the render a bit. he should be consumed in blackness. i hope you know what i mean...

Specific Worker? If so who?: N/A


thanks guys!

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Renders: http://photobucket.com/image/sasuke/PunkRockGreenDayChick/Sasuke/EmoSasuke.jpg?o=79

Text: God Duelist


Any Particular Fonts? If so what?:

Background Color: dark blue

Any Comments?: Nah, just make it look cool ^_^ And make the size 400x100.

Specific Worker? If so who?: Darkflame Uchiha


And another one:


Renders: bannertome3.png

Text: God Duelist

Sub-Text: King of Flames

Any Particular Fonts? If so what?:

Background Color: orange/red

Any Comments?: Make the size 400x100. And take those letters out from the pic, please.


Can you make these?

Specific Worker? If so who?: Darkflame Uchiha

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