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[SHP]"Signature Infinity" A Sig Shop of the Ages


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I would like to reuqest AND apply.


Name: Tyranno Kenzan

Price Average: 5 points

Examples: You've seen some of my banners/avatars right?

Programs: Photoshop Elements 4.0


Renders: Any of these http://planetrenders.net/renders/thumbnails.php?album=search&type=full&search=Full+Metal+Alchemist

Text: Equivelent Exchange


Any Particular Fonts? If so what?: Nope

Background Color: Whatever matches

Any Comments?: Nope

Specific Worker? If so who?: Uchiha


Do you make avtars? If so please make one just like the banner excpet without the text.

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Text on Graphic: God Phantom

Sub-Text on Graphic: This Is What I Have Become

Type of Graphic: Banner

Image for Graphic: http://www.planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?pos=-13791

Text: Doesn't matter, just make it evilish and cool

Backgrond: Whatever can go with some cooll purplish flames

Requested Employee: Uchiha in Flames


ooc: Hope this isnt too much work on you Uchiha.


ooc2:also hope I did the form right. . .

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Text on Graphic: God Phantom

Sub-Text on Graphic: This Is What I Have Become

Type of Graphic: Banner

Image for Graphic: http://www.planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?pos=-13791

Text: Doesn't matter' date=' just make it evilish and cool

Backgrond: Whatever can go with some cooll purplish flames

Requested Employee: Uchiha in Flames


ooc: Hope this isnt too much work on you Uchiha.


ooc2:also hope I did the form right. . .


Please use this for renders: http://www.guildinn.com/gallery/

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Text on Graphic: Volcanic Hero- Magmisall

Sub Text:I Am His Controler

Type of Graphic:Banner

Image for Banner: http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc139/maniacmurderer/1140640993_Fire.jpg

Text: Deep and Devilish.

Background: Flames.

Request Employee: Uchiha


Hope not too Much' date=' oh and if you can, Resize it, but Not really.


Uh Thats not a render.

Renders are Images with a blank Background and is .png

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Renders: http://planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?pos=-10334

Text: Gaara of the Funk (the name I'm going to change into, got it from Naruto the Abridged Series)

Sub-Text: Formally the Torchman

Background Color: I'd like it to be a bit red and fire-y, if you don't mind.

Any Comments: If you can, could you make an avatar from it also? I'll pay extra.

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Renders:http://www.britfilms.tv/images/news/hulk%2002.jpg ,or find your own i couldnt find anygood one i like, be creative


Sub-Text:The Incredible Hulk

Any Particular Fonts? If so what?: whatever looks cool or stands out

Background Color:purple, green, kinda gammaey

Any Comments?:kinda like Deity AxlesHulksmash.png

Specific Worker? If so who?:Uchiha In Flames

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