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THE DARK ONE's Virus Control

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Ok' date=' Mind Crush is definitely a valid Side Option here. Premature Burial could be useful, but I don't think I have the room here. Book of Moon is again a good idea, but I wouldn't know what to dump.


Also, the reason I''ve revived this thread is to say that I've taken out 1 DDR for an Instant Fusion. Doom Wraith PM'ed me suggesting Instant FUsion with Flame Ghost and Dark Balter, and I like the idea. It allows for maximum speed. I can drop Instant Fusion, drop a DDV or EEV, and then still summon a monster and put myself in a strong game position. Alternatively, I could activate 2 Virus' in one turn. a CCV followed by an EEV is a ridiculously crushing blow that is, for all intents and purposes, impossible to recover from.


I'd add 2, but I'm unsure what else to cut. Suggestions?



Well, in my humble opinion, DDR isn't all that useful here. I mean, with the amount of speed your deck will already have with its viruses, I don't think using DDR on removed Virus Food/DMoC is that important. As you said, two viruses is nearly impossible to recover from, so if it were me, I'd prioritize Another Instant Fusion over DDR.


^^ My suggestion. Also, since you never could decide on what to dump for it, you should consider sideing Plague Wolf - Versatile card is versatile and provides even more Virus Speed.

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You can't Instant Fusion Dark Balter.


Because the Summon from "Instant Fusion" is a Fusion Summon' date=' Fusion Monsters with the text "A Fusion Summon of this monster can only be conducted with the above Fusion Material Monsters." cannot be Special Summoned with "Instant Fusion".


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