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cyber dragon deck rate it please

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watsup evryone i threw this deck together this morning and i am going to sell it one ebay what do you guys think of it rate it 1-10 yes i do have 3 cyber dragons in it even though its limited.



white horned dragon

cyber barrier dragon

cyber laser dragon

obsidian dragon

cyber dark horn cyber dark keel

cyber dark edge

cyber ouroborous

cyber valley 2x

proto cyber dragon 2x

cyber kirn 2x

cyber phoniex 2x

3 cyber dragons



damage polerizer

attack reflector unit 2x

cybernetic hiddin technology

a rival appers

trap jammer 2x

call of the haunted

strike slash

shadow spell




ruthless denial

monster reborn

tibute to the doomed

different dimension capsule 2x



offerings to the doomed

limiter removal

mystical space typhoon

creature swap

power bond

dimension explosion

overload fusion

photon generator unit

cybernetic zone

future fusion


remeber im selling it on ebay

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watsup evryone i threw this deck together this morning and i am going to sell it one ebay what do you guys think of it rate it 1-10 yes i do have 3 cyber dragons in it even though its limited.



white horned dragon

cyber barrier dragon

cyber laser dragon

obsidian dragon

cyber dark horn cyber dark keel

cyber dark edge

cyber ouroborous

cyber valley 2x

proto cyber dragon 2x

cyber kirn 2x

cyber phoniex 2x

3 cyber dragons



damage polerizer

attack reflector unit 2x

cybernetic hiddin technology

a rival appers

trap jammer 2x

call of the haunted

strike slash

shadow spell




ruthless denial

monster reborn

tibute to the doomed

different dimension capsule 2x



offerings to the doomed

limiter removal

mystical space typhoon

creature swap

power bond

dimension explosion

overload fusion

photon generator unit

cybernetic zone

future fusion


remeber im selling it on ebay

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