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1x Batteryman Industrial Strenght

1x Sanga of the Thunder

2x Super Electromagnetic Voltech Dragon

1x The Creator

3x Batteryman Charger

2x Thunder Nyan Nyan

3x The Calculator

3x Batteryman D

3x Batteryman AA

3x Batteryman Micro-Cell

1x Batteryman C




1x Inferno Reckles Summon

1x Heavy Storm

1x Monster Reborn

2x Quick Charger

2x Short Circuit

1x Lightning Vortex

1x Swords Of Revealing Light

1x Mystichal Space Typhon

1x Luminous Spark




1x Gravity Bind

1x Sakuretsu Armor

1x Portable Battery Pack

1x Torrential Tribute

1x Beckoning Light

1x Bottomless Trap Hole


Monsters: 23

Spells: 11

Traps: 6


Total: 40

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You need to max out on Short Circuit and Inferno Reckless Summon.


- Sanga

- 2 Voltech

- 2 Nyan Nyan

- Battery C (pointless)

- 3 Battery D

- 3 Calculator

- Luminous Spark (not needed)


+ 3 Marauding Captain

+ Short Circuit

+ Industrial Strength

+ 2 IRS

+ 3 Battery Charger

+ Lightning Vortex

+ 2 Solemn


That's just to start. There is lots more to be done here - if you're gonna use Batteries, dedicate the theme to them. Trying to use a general assortment of Thunder isn't going to help you ^_^. Take it or leave it.

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