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Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Return of the Light (RP)(First 3 to join gets a rep)


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Since ALZ said i can have his second character


Name: Fenix Tosomo

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Dorm: Ra Yellow

Favorite Card: Gigaplant

Deck Theme: Giga Swarm

Bio: none

Appearance: Black Hair, Brown Eyes. Wears his Ra Yellow Uniform and black jeans.

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OOC: Duno if this is still going but w/e i'll post and maybe start it up again.


BIC: Migi sat outside the Obelisk Blue Boys dorm, throwing pebbles into the crystal clear water that surounded it. It had been a long boring day in class. He could remember Chonos telling them all about the wonders of his Antique Gears, for hours upon hours.


Throwing the last pebble into the lake with a sploosh, Migi tuned and walked back towards the Blue Dormitary.

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Migi's footsteps made a slapping noise against the marble staircase leading up to the front doors of the Dorms. He looked out over the island, and saw the bright white coat of one of the White Dorm Students.

"Tch, look at this Scum, walking near us Obelisk's. He thinks he's better than us," Migi muttered to himself. He leapt back down the steps and proceeded to walk over to the White dorm student, "I'll prove him wrong."

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Raven's eyes narrowed when she discerned the outline of a white-clad boy who she had already known from seeing. It was a cold, quiet night to walk alone around the building, but she didn't particularly care, since this was an activity she quite enjoyed. However, during the last few months, there were always those strange, uncanny waves she couldn't reach in the air and it all seemed to have started with the arrival of this new chancellor, Lumis. The same arcane aura seemed to emerge from this guy, who, if her memory didn't deceive her, was called Jack and known for having joined the new infamous White Dorm which was run by, who wouldn't have guessed it, the new chancellor. She starred at him with a last sceptical gaze and decided to continue her way.

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Jack saw some guy walking towars him. It was somebody from the Obelisk Dorm. "So" he said "I got the feeling you think you can beat. why not prove it than!". He activated his dueldisk and said "You can go first" and as he drew his hand he started to become more confident about beeting him.

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Migi looked at the guy infront of him smirked confidently. He smiled back, knowing that if he was goin to lose, he wasnt going to let him have it easy. Migi drew his starter hand.

"As you wish, Draw!" He pulled out his 6th card.

"For starters I'll summon my archer of zarkan in defence mode."

Archer of Zarkan = 1300ATK 1900DEF

"For her effect, I discard one card from my hand to inflict 500 LP of damage to you. I'll end my turn with 2 face-down cards. Your move"





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OoC: If you use Written Cards post all there stats and effects.


I start by activating my Ultimate Magic Card, "Destructive Light"! Than I activated the Magic Card "Foolish Burial" so I will send my worthless "Dark Magician" from my Deck to the Graveyard. Than the Effect of my "Destructive Light" kicks in. It ereases the Darkness!. So my "Dark Magician" is Removed from play and you lose 600 Life Points! Than I activated my "Light Magician" so I return my "Dark Magician" to the bottem of my deck and I get to summon my Light Magician (2500/2100). Than thanks to my "Destructive Light" the ATK of all My Light Monsters Increases by 100 for every DARK Monster it Removed. (Light Magician: 2500 > 2600) Now my "Light Magician" Attack his "Archer of Zarkan"


Hand: 3 Cards

Field: 2 Cards (Destructive Light and Light Magician in Spell/Trap Zone and Monster Card Zone)

LifePoints: 3500 (We Start with 4000 or 8000?_


(I did not end my turn, just want to know if you chain anything)

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OoC: ok, dont do many Yu-Gi-Oh Rp's. i did plan to make these cards but i could find the right pictures soi didnt bother. i know what most of them do though. and if u dont mind we'll do 4000, stay true to Gx =]




"Go, face-down, Man the Walls!"

Man the Walls! -

Continuous Trap Card

This card can only be activated when a monster with "Zarkan" in it's name is attacked. Send the top card of your deck to the graveyard to negate the attack and end the battle phase.



S/T=2 - One face down, one Man the Walls!


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Draw! I'll summon,Sorcerer of Zarkan, in attack mode! Next ill activate Zarkanian barracks, so, due to Sorcerer of Zarkans effect, i can draw one card. Then I'll activate the field spell, Zarkanian Training Grounds, letting me draw another card. My training Grounds rises the Atk and Def of all my monsters with Zarkan in there name by 300, and a further 300 when attacking. then I'll endmy turn.



S/T=4 - One face down, one Man the Walls! one Zarkanian Barrakcs and one Zarkaian Training Grounds


LP= 4000


Sorcerer of Zarkan

level 3



When a spell card is activated, draw one card.


Zarkanian Barracks

Continuous Spell Card

When a monster with Zarkan in its name is sent to the graveyard as a result of battle, special summon a monster with the same name from your deck in face-up attack mode.


Zarkanian Training Grounds

Field Spell Card

This card can only be activated when "Zarkanian Barracks" is on the field. Increase the ATK and DEF of all mosters with "Zarkan" in their name by 300. When a monster with "Zarkan" it its name attacks, incrase its ATk by a further 300 until the end of the damage step.

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I Flip Summon my Morphing Jar so now we both Send all cards in our hand to the Graveyard to draw 5 new cards. So I send my "Skilled White Magician" and my "Magician's Valkyria " to the graveyard and Draw 5 cards. Than I remove Those Two monsters from my graveyard for my ""Light Magician's effect. So your Face-Down card and your Man the Walls are destroyed.


(Didn't End MY Turn. Maybe a Chain. If not want I want to know if any DARK monsters Where discarded. Whats the Attribute of those Zarkan Monsters?)

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My name is Cronos aka Phoenix Arizona (friends dont ask)


deck Phoenix strike (most made by me)


duel disk: a black osiris duel disk


bio: a boy who loved the heat was playing around in the desert when one day he stumbled into a hole in the ground. it held cards of great power those cards where the phoenix`s and now he has come to duel academy to meet others of his own strength


dorm: Ra yellow (i choose to go to ra yellow after blowing thru classes*


favorite card/spirit monster: Cronos the phoenix





age: 14 (got in and was able to choose dorm so chose ra yellow for the god winged dragon of ra)


appearance: http://photobucket.com/image/anime%20emo/dragonxkeeper/Anime/Animeboy.jpg?o=26 that pic is my appearance

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