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Darkness Competition {{Done}}


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I want you to submit 6 cards, no more no less, that could be the bases of a Darkness Deck:

  1. One Monster that requires no Tributes that fits the Darkness Theme
  2. One Monster that requires 1 Tribute that fits the Darkness Theme
  3. One Monster that requires 2 Tributes that fits the Darkness Theme
  4. One Monster that requires 3 Tributes that fits the Darkness Theme
  5. A Magic Card that fits the Darkness Theme
  6. A Trap Card that fits the Darkness Theme

{{For those who may struggle with what a Darkness Deck is, think Yami Bakura's cards.}}



1st Place: 2 rep and 30 points

2nd Place: 1 rep and 20 points

3rd Place: 10 points


Contest Ends on the 22th July (4 days from now) at 8pm EST. Good Luck and make them good. The end date will be extended if necessary, so check back for end date updates.

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[align=center]oh sorry i didnt know you had to tribute 3 monsters to summon a lvl 9 or over...

anyway i might take part...

im not that good at dark types except my daemonics...

ill see wat happeens then...

oh and nice wu siggy...

where did u get it so i can get a shu one if there is a shu 1?[/align]

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[align=center]oh and nice wu siggy...

where did u get it so i can get a shu one if there is a shu 1?[/align]


type in to the goggle image search and type in wu warriors. it should be the first link. Note: let the page load and look for the picture on the page that loads

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