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[REQ] Avatar Animation


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Text On Graphic: N/A

Sub-Text On Graphic: N/A

Images For Graphic:


Size Of Graphic: 100x100

Type Of Graphic: Avatar Animation

Requested Artist: Someone who is good with animation.

Other Comments: I would like the actual image size to be 100x100 in accordance with the max avatar size, however I would like Satoshi running from right to left using the given frames. If you can have a fancy background such as grass and sky to match with Satoshi running then that is good, otherwise make it transparent. Sprite credits go to Alzatia of DeviantArt.

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Um do you want them all in one avii or each one in a different.

Like ash thhrowing something in one te when he's running in another one. So?

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Jz that first one is ALMOST perfect, just need a bit more on the sync and it's perfect. Either way how many points do you want, oh and could you include a border? And by SYNC I mean the flow between the last and the first frame, meaning a good sync or flow would be the last frame connecting to the first frame as if it were perfectly natural.

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Jz that first one is ALMOST perfect, just need a bit more on the sync and it's perfect. Either way how many points do you want, oh and could you include a border? And by SYNC I mean the flow between the last and the first frame, meaning a good sync or flow would be the last frame connecting to the first frame as if it were perfectly natural.

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