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Why would teens still smoke?


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[align=center]I dont think adults who smoke are stupid because wen they started smoking it really was cool to smoke...

but now a days its just stupid...

and anyway most ppl who smoke, even my 13 year old hash smoking, disco biscuit taking friends, tell me nvr to smoke...

so they hav realized there mistake...[/align]

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I could not give a sh*t what anyone thinks' date=' I have not and will never smoke.[/quote']


Are you sure about that Frunky-Boy? Smoking is cool, and if you don't do it I'll beat you up after school.


Uh... I think that`s... well... no offense but, I think you`re an idiot for saying that. lol, smoking isn`t cool, you can lose you`re life doing that. It makes sense that you know that it is very fatal. I think that you want people to smoke so they die. It`s crazy to say that, I really think you`re kidding. ROFL!

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^ How do you mean? I know Australians can't legally smoke until they're 18 (However' date=' I know of people who've been smoking since they were 11-12). What about the U.S. and Canada?



Well, like my grandfather would smoke when he was growing up because it relieved stress. He quit when his kids left and he retired because he was perfectly unstressed if thats even a word

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ok, heres the dumb, stupid answer - They think it`s cool, they think it`s fun, they don`t care if they die or not, they`re stupid, they don`t listen to anyone, they don`t understand anyone, they`re constapated, they haven`t learned anything, they`re immateur, weird, possibley because they take drugs, They`re crazy, everyone hates them, they don`t have a purpose for living, they think they`re a waste of a human, they think they`re worthless, they take too much stress. Those are _S_O_M_E_ of the reasons they smoke. None of them may be correct, but I`m sure one of them is... or all of them.

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Many teens lack the ability to think for themselves, thats why we have "gangsters" who you see smoking and always saying "Bloods 4 lyfe" like there invincible. Well, teen violence is a different subject, back to smoking...


They think its rebellious and love thinking it gives them a kick when its really addiction satisfaction.


Oh, Tkill, thanks for bringing meaningful discussion to the YCM community. :)

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maybe it releases stress :D


Thats what my pothead friends tell me marijuana does. "Man, dere b 2 much goin on I wanna jus chill out and smoke dis blunt." or something close to that. I'm pretty sure that cigarettes make you THINK its re-leaving(dont know how to spell) stress, bu its only taking the Craving stress off of them, which was there from their last cigarette, so its just a circle.

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smoking is gay. i have a really hard time understanding how people can start smoking even if they know:


1. they will get lung disease

2. they will get cancer

3. they smell really bad

4. they look really bad

5. it breaks down your brain

6. its gay

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smoking is gay. i have a really hard time understanding how people can start smoking even if they know:


1. they will get lung disease

2. they will get cancer

3. they smell really bad

4. they look really bad

5. it breaks down your brain

6. its gay


1 & 2. Just breathing can cause that. Smoking just causes it to happen... faster and more often.

3. The smell becomes natural to them. So they nasal passages begin to forget about it.

4. They tend not to look in the mirror I suppose

5. Mental Breakdown is (for the most part) natural.

6. I can't argue about that

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Wouldn't it be an idea if:


1. Charge all smokers with man slaughter (passive smoking kills other people so..)

2. Ban smoking worldwide and promote the use of nicotin gum.

3. All drugs must be seen as illegal to use and import (some countries allow softdrugs!)


By so you have:


1. Helped the envirement (smoke out of cigarettes, burning of wood to dry the ingrediants of cigarettes)

2. Helped 3rd World Countries (instead of farming their own food they produce cocaine for money)

3. Rid of the stench! (most important)

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