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Why would teens still smoke?


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Considering we have so much information about the bad things cigarettes do to people you'd think that teenagers would not smoke because of the harm it can cause. However there are still 1 in 5 teens smoking as of 2003. Considering in 1999 there was 35% of teens that smoked, it is a good drop, but why isn't the number less than 10%? What does smoking do that the younger generation(s) think it's cool to do? I don't smoke personally (just finished high school) but I know of a bunch of people that do. One example we had to take a bus to where our senior prom was, and when we got off those busses at 1 am, about 10 people ran off to the parking lot to light a cigarette, and the chaparones (spelling?) had to tell them to throw them away. What part of smoking is "cool" to where people will still smoke. I know smoking advertisements aren't a part of American culture, are they part of culture in other countries?

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Its common teen nature to go against the rules and prove some or most laws/adults wrong in areas and well to be cool so they can be "Elite" in a way compared to others who they look down on (peer pressure), thats how life is when growing up, like somking a cig or drinking some alchol.

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The reason teens smoke is numerous: peer pressure, the will to rebel against law enforcement and/or parents, the unbrdaled egotistical belief that they somehow know better than experts and the list goes on. The same applies to drugs and alchohol (in some/few cases).

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people who smoke are idiots and they will grow up with bad health like....


my sis gave up smoking she 24 i think, even my nan gave up smoking shes 80 something


but my mum still smokes, she says she will quit and get angry when we tell her not to smoke inside or near us *cough*

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I could not give a sh*t what anyone thinks' date=' I have not and will never smoke.[/quote']


Are you sure about that Frunky-Boy? Smoking is cool, and if you don't do it I'll beat you up after school.


Maybe cool where you are, but not here, Pizza-Guy. Besides which, what makes you think I would be the one getting beaten up?

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Alright, I know you may know him personally, but I know that if someone disclosed information about my private life onto this site, or anywhere, for that matter, I would be deeply offended. Why would you disclose such a thing?

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