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My warrior deck

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Heres my Warrior deck. Any suggestions? Please keep it tornament legal. Thanks.


Monsters (23):

Tribute Monsters (3):


Buster Blader

Swift Gaia the Fierce Knight

Destiny Hero- Dasher


Non-Tribute (20):


Goblin Attack Force

Gearfried the Iron Knight

Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke

The Six Samurai- Zanji

The Six Samurai- Irou

D.D. Warrior Lady

Elemental Hero Wildheart

The Six Samurai- Kamon

Obnoxious Celtic Guardian

The Six Samurai- Nisashi

Mataza the Zapper

The Six Samurai- Yaichi

Command Knight

Marauding Captain x2

Warrior Lady of the Wasteland

Exiled Force

The Six Samurai- Yariza

Shien's Footsoldier

Destiny Hero- Defender


Magic (12):


Fusion Sword Murasame Blade

Heavy Storm

Lightning Vortex

Mage Power

Mystical Space Typhoon

Pot of Avarice

Premature Burial

Reinforcement of the Army x2

The A. Forces

The Warrior Returing Alive

Wicked-Breaking Flamberge- Baou


Traps (5):


Dimensional Prison

Draining Sheild

Dust Tornado

Royal Decree

Sakuretsu Armor

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Okay, so I tried to fix this deck the best I could. I decided to try a D-Hero deck, I threw some cards like Swift Gaia to add some attack power. Any helpful suggestions now?


Monsters (20):


Tribute (4):

Swift Gaia the Fierce Knight

Destiny Hero- Dasher x2

Destiny Hero- Dreadmaster


Non-Tribute (16):

D.D. Warrior Lady

Destiny Hero- Diamond Dude x2

Obnoxious Celtic Guardian

Command Knight

Marauding Captain x2

Exiled Force

Destiny Hero- Captain Tenacious x2

Destiny Hero- Doom Lord x2

Destiny Hero- Blade Master x2

Destiny Hero- Defender x2


Magic (15):

Clock Tower Prison

Cyclone Blade


Dark City

Different Dimension Capsule

Heavy Storm

Monster Reborn

Mystical Space Typhoon

Nobleman of Crossout

Premature Burial

Reinforcement of the Army x2

Swords of Revealing Light

The A. Forces

The Warrior Returning Alive


Traps (9):


D-Sheild x2

Destiny Signal

Magic Cylinder

Royal Decree

Sakuretsu Armor x2

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Start over. With BEWD, no no no no no. Blue-Eyes needs its own deck. Ive tried with Paladin, too slow, heard Kaibaman doesnt work well, might try it with Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon next.

As for your deck start from scratch. Use D.D. Warrior Lady, max out D.D. Assailant, max out Exiled Force, max out Command Knight, max out Marauding Captain, max out Cyber Dragon and so on. Max out A-Forces, max out Reinforcement of the Army, max out Solemn/Bribe, add Torrential Tribute, Mirror Force. Plus of course the usual Lightning Vortex, Heavy Storm, Mystical Space Typhoon, Monster Reborn etc. Hope it helps.

You could also go with a Six Samurai deck.

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Start over. With BEWD, no no no no no. Blue-Eyes needs its own deck. Ive tried with Paladin, too slow, heard Kaibaman doesnt work well, might try it with Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon next.

As for your deck start from scratch. Use D.D. Warrior Lady, max out D.D. Assailant, max out Exiled Force, max out Command Knight, max out Marauding Captain, max out Cyber Dragon and so on. Max out A-Forces, max out Reinforcement of the Army, max out Solemn/Bribe, add Torrential Tribute, Mirror Force. Plus of course the usual Lightning Vortex, Heavy Storm, Mystical Space Typhoon, Monster Reborn etc. Hope it helps.

You could also go with a Six Samurai deck.

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Start over. With BEWD, no no no no no. Blue-Eyes needs its own deck. Ive tried with Paladin, too slow, heard Kaibaman doesnt work well, might try it with Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon next.

As for your deck start from scratch. Use D.D. Warrior Lady, max out D.D. Assailant, max out Exiled Force, max out Command Knight, max out Marauding Captain, max out Cyber Dragon and so on. Max out A-Forces, max out Reinforcement of the Army, max out Solemn/Bribe, add Torrential Tribute, Mirror Force. Plus of course the usual Lightning Vortex, Heavy Storm, Mystical Space Typhoon, Monster Reborn etc. Hope it helps.

You could also go with a Six Samurai deck.

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