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Zombie Carrier: Discussion

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You can Special Summon this card from your Graveyard by placing 1 card from your hand on top of your Deck. When this card is removed from the field after being Special Summoned by this effect' date=' it is removed from play.[/quote']



Placing a card from your hand on the top of your deck is good now?


Tell me how it is broken plz.

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i saw this in a zombie tuner deck with mezkil, stardust dragon and a synchro that bounces cards back to your hand if you ditch cards


i think the carrier and mezkil combo is kind of nasty because they make a certain amount of star combos to get good synchros out.


it was gross.


icr how mezkil and carrier got to the grave...but they would remove mezkil to get out carrier and then they would usually synchro summon

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Yeah, this card is very powerful in the graveyard.


If it's milled by Ryko/Trooper or something, then it's just free, and it can turn 2-card combos into 1-card combos.


I wouldn't actually call it 'broken', but it sure is a good support for broken cards.

Veeeeeery broken cards.


Remix, let them guess a little more.

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this card is alsum in my zombie deck on DMU, and just won me a tourny. it takes very little skill to use + with cosr theirs no real cost to the duelist. goblin searchable, master atanable , limit reverse friend, Armageddon sync buddy ( evil combo, also d-hero- malious in grave plus normal summoning zombie carrier = lv 8 sync. )

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I guess this can be used in a Broinac loop, provided you have 3 Carriers in your deck and not your hand.


Simply summon Armageddon Knight, drop Carrier then revive it, synchro into Broinac, revive Armageddon Knight with Prem, drop the second Zombie Carrier to the grave then revive, return Prem to hand with Broinac then synchro into Goyou. Do this one more time for your second Goyou and you have:


1 x 2300 monster with ability to bounce cards.

2 x 2800 beatstick.


Stick a random monster with 100 attack or more for an OTK. Or just reuse Prem to revive your Arm. Knight or something.


So this seems like a modified (and some what cheaper but harder to pull off) version of Cat Synchro.


Throw CoSR in there just like the Cat Synchro, and you have an easy kill.

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I guess this can be used in a Broinac loop' date=' provided you have 3 Carriers in your deck and not your hand.


Simply summon Armageddon Knight, drop Carrier then revive it, synchro into Broinac, revive Armageddon Knight with Prem, drop the second Zombie Carrier to the grave then revive, return Prem to hand with Broinac then synchro into Goyou. Do this one more time for your second Goyou and you have:


1 x 2300 monster with ability to bounce cards.

2 x 2800 beatstick.


Stick a random monster with 100 attack or more for an OTK. Or just reuse Prem to revive your Arm. Knight or something.


So this seems like a modified (and some what cheaper but harder to pull off) version of Cat Synchro.


Throw CoSR in there just like the Cat Synchro, and you have an easy kill.



thats what i do in my DMU Deck

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