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levels of card makers

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0-24=new member=1 star

25-149=member=2 star

150-399=advanced member=3 star

400-999=senior member=4 star

1000+=elite member=5 star


Moderator = 5 Stars

Super Moderator = 6 Stars

Administrator = 7 Stars


ok i beter get posting (but not spaming)


I caught you spamming in H&T, when you say you won't spam - DON'T SPAM.

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how do u become a moderator its not as simple as getting ur posts up to gain levels is it?


Absolutely not, here, as far as I know, there is no behaviour that necessarily will make/prevent you from becoming a Mod, but the obvious things, like high levels of activity, maturity, etc., aswell as helping other members whenever you can and not causing problems, for example, posting innappropriatly or arguing with other members on a constant level.

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