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Most overpowered card in the game.

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chaos empeoer dragon

judgement dragon

dark armed dragon

pot of greed

graceful charity

monster reborn


change of heart


thoose are the main ones i can think of


You make a list of cards that are overpowered and you don't include Yata-Garasu?


EDIT: And you don't include Destiny Hero - Disk Commander?

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chaos empeoer dragon

judgement dragon

dark armed dragon

pot of greed

graceful charity

monster reborn


change of heart


thoose are the main ones i can think of


DaD is not OP or broken, just good, DaD return was crippled in the mid-format change. It's still running strong, just not, "Your dead for not running DaD" strong. Besides a DaD deck's effectiveness can fluctuate depending on the cards in it.

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DaD is not OP or broken' date=' just good, DaD return was crippled in the mid-format change. It's still running strong, just not, "Your dead for not running DaD" strong. Besides a DaD deck's effectiveness can fluctuate depending on the cards in it.



You are not good at YGO. Your opinion is flawed and based upon lies. Kindly stop peddling your nonsense.

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Obviously' date='it is the Chaos Emperor Dragon-Envoy of the End



Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End is not the most broken card in this game.

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Blast Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning


I've experienced it before' date=' it is WAYYYYYYYYYY overpowered!!!!!



That card is worse than Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End.

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Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning


I've experienced it before' date=' it is WAYYYYYYYYYY overpowered!!!!!


Replace the word Blast with Black.


Hahahaha...I hate it when I do that.


WHY has NOBODY mentioned Rare Fish? Not to mention Mechanical Snail...


Dude! Those cards are worthless! They should be banned from existance!

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Guest Chaos Pudding

Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Begining


Mirror Force

Harpie's Feather Duster


Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End

Elemental Hero Grand Neos

Yubel the Ultimate Nightmare

Judgment Dragon


now those are the most overpowered cards in the game.


I didn't lol. Blatant attempts at humor almost always fail.

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Raigeki... it is in my opinion THE most powerful spell card in the entire game and not too far away is Harpies Feather Duster' date=' HFD combined with Raigeki = your opponent better have 2 magic jammers waiting or they are in trouble...



You are not good at YGO. Your opinion is flawed and based upon lies. Kindly stop peddling your nonsense.

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Raigeki... it is in my opinion THE most powerful spell card in the entire game and not too far away is Harpies Feather Duster' date=' HFD combined with Raigeki = your opponent better have 2 magic jammers waiting or they are in trouble...



You are not good at YGO. Your opinion is flawed and based upon lies. Kindly stop peddling your nonsense.


Atem is right. Sorry but it's the truth

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An opinion is an opinion thats why they call it an opinion...

In other words you think what you want to wether or not it's right.


...and im not sure about OPed cards....

Probly the ones already listed? Chaos Emporer...


Thank you for understanding me ^_^ people on this site are out to get me I swear...I hate it...

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