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Member Card Tribute: Soharta San Meti


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Your effect completely stinks(Excellent) everything is stinky even the picture.


Well you stink(Excellent) in everything the effect the picture the thread OK well overall:

Stinky job.


Rating:9/10 ^.^

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Guest JoshIcy

Thanks lol, but ill probably remake this later xD... it doesnt have the flow that i like...

not to mention he asked for an effect similar to one of my older cards, and i did it based on his personality instead....

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Guest JoshIcy

Seems a little too Random for my tastes. I think it should have been Fairy-Types in general. A fitting tribute for a great member though.


I wanted to stick to female cards without being totally biased....

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Sweet, that's pretty dang awesome dude. Especially the picture, and the effect is actualy unexpected. lol. But of course, you have a knack for making unexpected effects. lol.


Also, alittle thing as to why I asked for "Soharta San Meti" is because not only am I wanting to change my name to that, but because if you say it correctly, and as fast as you can, it will sound like you are saying "The Heart of San Meti" and I just find that really cool, as well as an emotional name. lol, but enough about that....


Thank you Icy...10/10

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