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Giga Plant

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Hi, im new here so I figured I would go ahead and get involved, so here is the deck im working on and im going to play this saturday for locals.


Monsters: 15

3x Giga plant

3x Lonfire Blossom

2x Blazewing Butterfly

2x UFO turtle

1x Marshmallon

1x Snipe Hunter

1x Lord Poision

1x Sangan

1x Spirt reaper


Spells: 19

3x Lightning Vortex

3x Symbol of Heritage

3x Card of Safe Return

3x Swing of memories

1x Premature Burial

1x Heavy Storm

1x Mystical Space Tyhpoon

1x Future Fusion

1x Giant trunade

1x Monster Reborn

1x Brain Control


Traps: 6

1x Mirror Force

1x Torrential Tribute

1x Ultimate Offering

3x Reckless Greed


40 card deck (gotta keep it at 40 to.)



2x Superalloy Beast Raptinus


The basic idea of the deck is to rush your opponit with the three Giga Plants wich you can get onto the field really fast by going through 3 lonfire blossoms (cause they can tribute themselves so that opens up symbol of heritage.) I dont have a side deck right now so if anyone has ideas for a side deck im open the meta at my locals is Monarchs and APC also other giga plant decks and a few six samuri decks from time to time. I wanna try to fit in three Pheinox wing wind blasts with mind crush and trap dusshoot. any suggestions will be appreciated.

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Lord posion is too slow. Max out on Ufo Turtles. What is with Marshmallon AND Spirit Reaper in Gigaplant? Take them both out for Trap Dustshoot and Mind Crush.


For side, consider going into Gigaplant FTK.

For your meta if your not going to side into the FTK

2x Pulling the Rug

3x D.D. Crows

3x Kinetic Soldier

3x Threatning Roar(In case of Gladiator Beasts)

2x Shadow Imprisoning Mirror

2x Filler

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thanx 4 the post. 3 ufo turtles are to much the onley purpose is to get a lonfire or blaze wing and the were ending up in my hand and i wasnt needing them....and as for the spirt reaper and marshmallon there just stall in case i cant get answers to a situation. once in a while i find my self without answers and needing a defense for a couple of turns. and if mind crush and trap dustshoot goes in the three wing wind blasts have to also. but thanx for the post ill reply to your deck

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In certain decks yes i agree but giga plant is fast, and pwwb slows the opponit down a whole draw and if its a tribute monster i hit even better. besides to many decks feed off of the grave. id rather return a disk commander to the top of the deck then put it in the grave. but thanx anyway.

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Cydras actually slow the deck down. This deck is ment to swarm better then zombies. so most tims ill have field pressance wich will lead to cydra being a dead draw. And hearitages are a must they bring back lonfire blossums. wich gets me more advantge but thanx for posting mybe a third ufo turtle, what does everyone think?

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I have been lookin at other giga plant decks and there realy intresting. I <3 zombies my favorite deck ever, and this is a really close, but its faster. I go to new hartford locals a shop called Killinos baseball and coin. He's a cool guy hes tourny pay out is really good and we order pizza plus we got halo and 2 tvs =)! one of my friends top 8 at a regionals with this he finished 7th so im tryin to make it better. Do you have a deck I can post on?

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Today was the local. and i got 3rd place. top 2 was gladiator beast decks =(. I found that 3 ufo turtles led to dead draws most time im set up by turn 2-3 with lonfire and ufo turtle became a discard for lightning vortex. id like to thank everyone for posting and helping with the deck I may - 2 ufo turtle for a + 2 cydras it may help swarm im worried though about already having field pressence. whats everyones opinion? im aiming for 1st next weekend.

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