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Robot Level Set(Please Rate)


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Well; Hybrids will never mix well in the rating world, buddy.

I say cut it out for minor machine supporting effects; or really basic immunities.(Like ancient gear ones.)

Although, that could lead to overpoweredness, but you should focus on mastering the basics first, as balance is pretty advanced ^__^.

Also, Instead of saying "By sacrificing this card.."

You should say, Well, Just check yu-gi-oh's wiki, and look up armor dragon. Copy it's level uping effect, and you should be fine. =D.

(Is the last pic even a robot?..^__^")


Nice try bud.

If it's your first: 5/10. If not: 3/10. (Images from movies shouldn't really be used. Use deviantart.com)


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做为杀手,或多或少都该有些属于自己的象征,就像佐罗要戴面罩,超人要穿内裤一样。因为我是个有品味的杀手,所以我选择了枯萎的黑色玖瑰,自然,没有人会卖枯萎的玖瑰, 于是我每个月的15都会到街口的那家"一心花店"买一支拿回家放着,然后看着它慢慢枯萎风干```````嗯```的确很符合我那种略带颓废的气质。

而我为什么只到那家店买花呢?原因很简单,因为老板是个男人。不同于女人,他既不啰嗦,也不会和你乱套近乎。这样就让我省下了很多不必要的麻烦。 多美好啊 今天去拉头发,然后,中途在旁边的粉店吃粉,就是柳州青云大厦下面那家。旁边卖凉茶的。


没吃几口,旁边有个女的也来要辣椒醋,然后她用手搅了两下……说了句:有蟑螂腿 8/10

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