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How to save non-bmp images without making the quality of the card worse.

Master Hyperion

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1. Right click on the card that you created and select "Save image as"

2. Choose where you want to place the file on your computer.

3. Type in the name.

4. Now comes the most important part!!! Type THIS behind the name: .png (no space)


For example: yugiohcard.png


This will not only save your cards on the computer and makes them very clear, it also uses ALOT LESS space on your harddrive and if you upload it on the internet, it loads ALOT FASTER than BMP files.


Here's the proof:



I know its not a card, but this trick also works for EVERY IMAGE on the internet.

So use .png instead of .bmp

It uses less space on your harddrive, so you can still enjoy the speed of your computer.

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