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Kakashi`s face

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NO they didn't show his face...


Damn boy don't know know who the legendary Scarface is?? Okay read this;


Vy Low, the 57th Sevalle Scar Face is the most powerful warrior in the history of Kuruda. Receiving the title of High-Sevalle at the tender age of 16 when he defeated King Iba Stolla, the 55th Sevalle Hawk Eyes, he became the heir to the throne. He was the role model for the new generation of young warriors to follow. He seems to take a liking to Gau and Elle. Like all Sevalle, he tends to put up the tough guy act whenever he's in public. He wouldn't even glance at his own wife, Folstise, the Ordo Codex of Juliannes. And how can we forget about the drinking problem. He seems to always have an extra bottle of booze snuck in his cape.


When Gau Ban first traveled to Kuruda, Vy immediately recognized his potentials. Through out the series, Vy has played a prominent role in the molding of young Gau. He usually influences Gau in an indirect manner, like setting him up in battles. At other times he would act like a father figure and give him advice which are totally in contrast to the ones given by Dias. He is actually obsessed in making Gau in to the ultimate warrior that he constantly tests him.


Thanks to his actions, he has earned himself the reputation of being a manipulative bastard. But if you look at things in a different perspective, you'll notice that he's actually doing it for Gau's sake (the boy is too naive). Thanks to his influence, Gau has become stronger especially after the Lightning Battle. Dias doesn't believe that this is the first time Vy has manipulated someone so cruelly. Dias actually had suspicions that Vy had an influence on G's obsession that drove him mad (check Kain's bio for the full story) when he said "I wouldn't want to think that he (G) fought for nothing". He also played an important role in the OVA where he shared the secrets about the origin of Shadow Skill.


Now lets get to his soft side. It doesn't show, but Vy is a very submissive husband. You can say that Folstise has him under her thumb. In the end of the series, you can see Vy begging and pleading in front his wife for forgiveness, most probably because he is always out on journeys and doesn't spend "quality time" with her. It is also hinted in the series that he doesn't have a good relationship with his father in law. It just goes to show that behind every tough guy, there's always a tougher gal.


Unknown to Gau and others, he is actually the elder son of Shere Kahn, founder of Inryuu and older brother of Gau.

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