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rep contest FINISHED

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This would be easier if you knew what "Bunny Kill" was. Go to youtube and type in bunny kill watch all the videos, then go back to this contest, And make as many cards of bunny kill that you know. (Theres not many) Watching the videos, give you information on what their names are. It ends in the first 3 entries.


First place - 5 rep

Second place 4 rep

3rd place 3 rep

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I don`t care if theyre overpowered in this contest. I`d say level 4 star monsters can only go to 1900. if they dont, they are overpowered. because dark magician girl is a level 6 or 5 with 2000 attack points and berserk gorilla is a level 4 with 2000 attack points. Berserk gorrilla is a good card but it is overpowered.

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