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"Overwatch" Archetype - Pend Summon on Quick Effect


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"The World Needs Heroes!"

An archetype of cards that splits the character roles from Overwatch into Extra Deck, Main Deck, and Normal Pendulum monsters. Their main strategy is supposed to set up for a coordinated dive, activating ultimates, that staggers the enemy and pushes for game— in yugioh words, Pendulum Summoning their interruptions during the opponent's turn and exhausting interactions. 
My personal goal is to eventually make a card for each Overwatch character that references their abilities or character in one way or another. Also to make cards for a Pendulum engine potentially splashable into other Decks, whatever their focus on Special Summoning is.
All the artwork here comes from Quirkilicious unless otherwise credited! Click here for their gallery!

Normal Pendulum Monsters


Or the Support role in Overwatch. They offer backline protection or interesting techs the other cards can't compare. With the "Speedsters" guaranteeing they can work with anyone, the two heroes most focused on healing have the strangest Pendulum Summon access. Their flavor text comes from the Overwatch promo site. I go back and forth if Mercy and Lifeweaver's effect should be "cannot be used next turn" instead à la Mirrorjade.

Effect Monsters


AKA the Damage role in Overwatch. They have straightforward effects that only get better if Pendulum Summoned. Some of their statlines and effects hint what kinda other cards they can work with. There's currently over 40 characters in Overwatch, so while they'll all share that moniker, there's also room to show factions / sub-archetypes like "Strikeforce", "Omnic", or "Talon".

Extra Deck Monsters


Lastly, the Tanks. They share the same protection leveraging their bulk. Some of them even want to be preemptively destroyed to be Pendulum Summoned later. I'm unsure if their DEFs are high enough to protect them from meta staples, but I'm unsure what that threshold should actually be.



Going 1st, these are your three-of's facilitating your board building, and card advantage. Ultimate is worded the way it is to allow your opponent a chance to remove the monster before it resolves, kinda like if you get killed during your Ultimate's cast time in Overwatch lmao. The third line in the Field Spell is meant to play around floodgates like Dimensional Shifter, but still loses to Ghost Ogre.


There's more in the wings to share eventually, but I'd like to update the thread in batches that make sense. This is sorta the baseline for power their archetype will have.
Thanks for reading this far! I'm new to the forum, and just wanted to share this idea after getting into yugioh. I'd be especially interested if anyone linked their card ideas similar to ones presented here.
(sorry in advance if this is formatted wrongly. I'll repost any card text raw on request)


Edited by schwa
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Bonus Card 🥰


Overwatch Heroes - Widowmaker [DARK]

LV 6/Cyberse/Pendulum

(1900/2400) scale: 3⬅️➡️3

Pendulum Effect: Each time a card or effect is activated (except, "Overwatch Heroes - Widowmaker") Place 2 'OW Counter' on this card. This card gains the following effects based on the total number of 'OW Counters' on it.
◾️2+ 'OW Counters': This card's Pendulum Scale become 10.
◾️4+ 'OW Counters': Once per turn, you can target 1 monster your opponent controls; send that target to the GY.
◾️6+ 'OW Counters: Once per turn, during your Main Phase, you can pay 500 LP: Negate all face-up cards your opponent currently controls until the end of this turn.


Here's my idea,...This archetype uses OW Counters as the core of its gameplay. OW Counters can be obtained through the effects of its Pendulum Monsters (like the card above), and other support cards have effects that require removing Counters to activate their effects.


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I'd be very hard pressed to count how many current cards can pendulum summon on their opponent's turn, or get themselves in their opponent's backrow!

I'll admit this group has few searches and fewer extenders. it's only ten-ish of forty plus potential cards. if Hero can get over a hundred tries, maybe I can get some in sooner ahe

Would a normal pendulum focus be better, or more effect monsters that want to be pendulum summoned?

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1 hour ago, Yᵤₘₐ ₖₐᵢbₐ said:


Here's my idea,...This archetype uses OW Counters as the core of its gameplay. OW Counters can be obtained through the effects of its Pendulum Monsters (like the card above), and other support cards have effects that require removing Counters to activate their effects.


The idea of counters on Pendulum Monsters has been better monopolized by the Edymions & Spell Counters, but I do quite like the idea of modulating Pendulum Scale for effects and cost.



These are two in the wings I might as well share now. the DEF increase is important when it becomes a breakpoint for other monsters the "Tanks" become unaffected by. Plus, if you use Ana woth Lucio, Lucio uses its effect to change Ana's Scale so she doesnt need to wait for 2 Normal Summons hehe. Moira synergies with Mercy if you mill overwatch effect monsters into the grave that Mercy can summon!


Edited by schwa
spelling correction, and extra lines about Ana and Moira synergies.
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I don't know about OW, but I like seeing mix of pendulum and not pendulum! 

There r a few things that don't work with the pendulums tho

Spells don't have Quick Effect (Lucio, Juno, Ana).

Pendulum monster in the monster zone only use monster effect (Lucio's last effect won't work).

Flip monster doesn't remember how it's summoned (Venture).


The not pendulums getting bonuses from being pendulum summoned is cool tho! I wanna make some cards like that.

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9 hours ago, schwa said:

Would a normal pendulum focus be better, or more effect monsters that want to be pendulum summoned?

Normal Pendulum would be interesting. Here's my example of D.Va and Kiriko 😍


Overwatch Heroes - D.Va [LIGHT]

LV 4/Cyberse/Pendulum

(1300/2100) scale: 7⬅️➡️7

Pendulum Effect: Each time a card or effect is activated (except, "Overwatch Heroes - D.Va") Place 2 'OW Counter' on this card. This card gains the following effects based on the total number of 'OW Counters' on it.

◾️2+ 'OW Counters': This card's Pendulum Scale become 0.

◾️4+ 'OW Counters': "Overwatch Heroes" Monsters you control gains 300 ATK/DEF.

◾️6+ 'OW Counters: Once per turn, during your Main Phase, you can remove 5 "OW Counters" from this card: Send all monsters your opponent control to the GY.



Overwatch Heroes - Kiriko [LIGHT]

LV 4/Psychic/Tuner/Effect


You can discard this card; add 1 "Overwatch Heroes" card (except, "Overwatch Heroes - Kiriko") from your Deck to your hand. You can remove 3 'OW Counters' from the field; Special Summon this card from your GY. You can only use each effect of "Overwatch Heroes - Kiriko" once per turn.

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