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Cards made of my own artworks


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Pictures are good.

Harpie Warrior needs to be 1800 ATK, I think. It's a bit harsh to get a free 1900 summon. :S


That Dark Angel thing you have would just perpetuate more DaD control.


Your other cards are good, but the WATER/FIRE mages should be 3 of each removed and have 2800 ATK.


REBM might need to also be called REBD. Inferno Fire Blast, why not? :P


Otherwise, it's good. 9.2/10, because you use your own card art. Can't help but commend you on that. :)

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ROFL...its the average ratings that count...but mostly from the most experienced YCM members. We mostly grade harshly to get people to grow up in the YCM community and make better cards. so that's why I give mostly 4/10's...5/10's...etc.


And I count as one of the more experienced ones :D Cus I been here since the start...



So... 9/10 nice cards, nice artwork. could use some ocg fix.


Oh FYI OCG means




So, the grammar used on yu-gi-oh cards.

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ROFL...its the average ratings that count...but mostly from the most experienced YCM members. We mostly grade harshly to get people to grow up in the YCM community and make better cards. so that's why I give mostly 4/10's...5/10's...etc.


And I count as one of the more experienced ones :D Cus I been here since the start...



So... 9/10 nice cards' date=' nice artwork. could use some ocg fix.


Oh FYI OCG means




So, the grammar used on yu-gi-oh cards.


Aaaah, thank you, finally someone explained it to me!!!

Thanks a lot for rating too ^^

Btw could you tell me where exactly did I make OCG errors?


I can barely read the effects it all scrached up. nice cards though.


Funny... I tried to make the effect as brief as possible in order for it to be legible... But thanks for your comment. ^^

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