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Hi guys. I am new here and to Yu-Gi-Oh in general. I am a sports card collector and seller on eBay.

Anyway, I picked up these cards and for the life of me cant figure out the rarity for each. I usually am good with holofoils and rarities but there are so many articles out there that I am confused.

Can someone look at these and please let me know what rarity they are? I know the last pictures are commons for the most part. The first two pictures all card have holo images. The top 2 having ,

The second pic, Barel Dragon is holo image with gold lettering. Harbinger is holo foil image with white lettering and 8 gold stars. AND the symbol top right is holo.  Numeron is holo image, holo lettering.

If this was sports card I could tell you everything you want to know. But with these I am confused lol. Thank you in advance for any replies :)




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