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the above linked website works and is run by someone, i was going to add adjectives here but actually just the fact that it is run by someone at all is an infinite improvement; this place is not even being held together by tape, nyx is unfathomably committed to patching holes but the ship is three-quarters underwater so if you want to do any of the things you would've aspired to do here i think try ncm instead

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  • Shiba Inu 1
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The way YCMaker has not popped up once since the "Tyranny of Inches" thread and refused to acknowledge anything here at all tells me that either:
-He is not at all watching out for the site so his rule against linking directly to the other site will not be enforced.
-He'll come in and ban those among us that posted the links during his absence but will have to come out of hiding for that.

Probably a win win at this point.

I'll stick to this place as long as I can because memories and members I can only seemingly find on this side, plus visiting members of old... but I'm also always lurking over there. I want more people at NCM into the card game and drawing stuffs if possible though xD

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I guess I'll chime in. I'm still committed to cleaning out these bots and keeping a semblance of order. But yeah. To any users reading this that don't know:

Agreed. If you want your threads seen and not buried under the upteenth Temu, crypto, or escort shill, go to the site shared above. Plus, it comes with more features.

This forum had its day in the sun, but it's evident that the owner doesn't care about the state of it.

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Good Idea, I'm also trying to do my part YCMaker is such a bad admin sorry like he doesn't even care it makes me so angry I guess that is the state of the modern web to you.


I can also promise you one thing, I will join the battle not because I have a Vendetta against YCMaker but every time I go on NCM its like really boring over there and causes me to close my browser and take a nap, more users means more activity means less boringness.

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Honestly, I come in here from time to time and seeing this place overran by bots with YCMaker seemingly not giving a Prevent Rat's backside about it makes me really sad.
I've been a YCM user for, what, 16 years now? And to see the site in such a sorry state is depressing.
I already have a NCM account but I haven't posted anything there... Yet. I'm probably just going to either start posting there, or perhaps gather all the content I have on this site and slowly re-post it there (including whatever still exists of my old account that hasn't been lost to time).

I wish it wasn't like this, but YCM is rotting away at this point.

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