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Hos PSCT affects your cards as well as balance

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PSCT (Problem Solving card text) is used as a way to write yugioh cards.  It is a way for opponents to know what you are doing. It is usually written in the format Condition; Cost; Effect, though there are exceptions like Pot of Greed which was banned for going +1 in card advantage and is splashable, hence there were many ways to make it balanced.

It's very important when you make archetypes, that you consider fair play of going 1st and 2nd. 

Example 1
Ever wonder WHY you don't send 1 card of archetype "X" from the Deck to the GY as cost? It's because the opponent cannot hand trap you.  You'll always have an advantage.  Even 1 card sent from the Deck to the GY improves consistency. 

E.g. You can send 1 "X" card from your Deck to the GY; draw 1 card. You can only use this effect of "[Name]" once per turn.

Example 2

Ever wonder why drawing 1 card isn't inherently broken for an archetype? It's because that the card drawn may be situational even though you're improving consistency.

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