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Mexica Creature - Axolotl (Archetype Mexica [Aztec])

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I hope you like this card, I born in Mexico, and have a rich culture in mythology for different civilizations, don't only Aztecs (Mexicas) or Mayans, too for Chichimecas, Totonacas, Mixtecas, Zapotecas, Tzotziles, Olmecas and more to same level to other civilizations how Egyptian, Greeks, Romans, Japanese, Chinese and others. :D

Each day I upload a card from my archetype from Mexicas although incomplete, but I hope you liked. :D


By the way, a curious fact: the "x" in the Spanish and principally in culture Mexican and other countries from Latin America have different pronunciations, and are as follows; "s", "sh" "j" and "eks", in this case with "Axolotl", the pronunciation is "Asholotl".


Mexica Creature - Axolotl


Description / Effect

You can Special Summon this card by discarding a “Mexica” card from your Hand or Deck to the Graveyard or if “Mexica God - Xolotl” is sent to the Graveyard by Battle or Card Effect. When this Monster is Special Summoned by its own effect you can add from your Deck a “Mexica God / Goddess” Monster of level 7 or higher, if you do so, add it to your Hand. If this Monster would be destroyed or removed from the field, it will not be, and is shuffled to your Deck. Each effect of “Mexica Creature - Axolotl” can only be activated once per turn.

Edited by carlos animax
Left me a other pronunciation for a curious fact. :D
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