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> Seven (Temp Sticky) <

Junk Raver

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No I Am Not Trying To Attack Contests With Stickys!


This thread is a mere Temp Thread for a discussion for Contest users.


When i was originally made Mod over Contests, i was asked a question by many;


'Now your a Mod, can you up the number of Reps we can win?'


I was constantly asked that question, and heres the answer, with some views.


Yes, i can up the amount if i choose, seeing as the second Main Contests Mod, jerry, has been dismissed.


But, i advised against it, as increasing the limit could put people's reps up massivly and then reps would basically be like inflation, they would over time become worthless and Meh.


However, considering this, and the positive side that more Reps could be spread out over the contest, has led me to make this thread.


The question to you Contest users is;


Do you think the total number of Reps per contest, should be increased to 7, or stay at 6????



I am looking for answers with support;


any unjust answers or in all fairness, lame ones, will be deleted and ignored.




> Dj Osiris <




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I agree with your inflation Statement. I think n00bs will say 1st place, 72 reps (not like they don't already do that XD) but now they would be able to do that.

3 reps is plenty (maybe not for you dj, considering your 300+) for just one contest. think of all of the contest ppl enter at one time. Those reps add up. And if they don't win because they can't make cards worth a $#!+, they don't deserve reps. reps are special.


That is why i think the rep count should stay at 6

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I really like the current system of:

3rd: 1

2nd: 2

1st: 3

I dislike the idea of increasing that amount and I also dislike it when someone puts up a contest with all the Reps going to 1 Person. From what i understand there is no limit on Points that can be put up for a prize, so they should be used for overpay. But there is also the chance more Reps could entice more peopke to join contests. it is a very tight line.

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I really like the current system of:

3rd: 1

2nd: 2

1st: 3

I dislike the idea of increasing that amount and I also dislike it when someone puts up a contest with all the Reps going to 1 Person. From what i understand there is no limit on Points that can be put up for a prize' date=' so they should be used for overpay. But there is also the chance more Reps could entice more peopke to join contests. it is a very tight line.


I agree with what Spirit said, and couldn't have said it better myself.

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I am fine the way it is but if it goes to 7 thats good to. You shouldnt increase if you fear rep spamming but you shouldnt keep if you dont want riots. So I would keep the same number because honestly it is more stable.


(Ps. The grade level if 7)


3:1 Special prize

2:2 Special prize

1:3 Special prize

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

Let's keep it at 6. I don't like giving reps for contests at all, but if it must be so, keep the number as low as possible.

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Thank You for your Opinions / views and answers everyone.


This threads purpose was more or less to get good views on the situation, so if ever i get asked the question again, i can direct the asker to this thread, and it should also give others reason why 6 is MAX, as many contest rule breakers tend to exceed it, and then complain about their been a limit ^_^

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