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[TCG] December 9th Banlist

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Gimmick Puppet Nightmare
Jowgen the Spiritualist
Original Sinful Spoils Snake-Eye

Tenpai Dragon Chundra
Phantom of Yubel
Sangen Kaimen
Zoodiac Barrage

Cyber Jar
Danger?! Jackalope
Danger?! Tsuchinoko
Performapal Monkeyboard

Blaster, Dragon Ruler of the Infernos
Tidal, Dragon Ruler of Waterfalls
Tempest, Dragon Ruler of Storms
Redox, Dragon Ruler of Boulders
Dinowrestler Pankratops
Lunalight Tiger
Rescue-Ace Air Lifter
Thunder Dragon Colossus
Ib the World Chalice Justiciar
Opening of the Spirit Gates

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Gimmick Puppet Nightmare: It took me a while to know why it's banned. But I dunno. I felt hitting some of the other cards might've made more sense

Jowgen: OH, FUCK THAT! I will not miss you anytime soon

Original Sinful Spoils Snake-Eye: I don't like Snake-Eye at all, so I'm okay with this.


Tenpai Dragon Chundra: I get this one. Seen plenty Tenpai on Master Duel. A little too well acquained with them.

Phantom of Yubel: A-nother I'm too well acquainted with. This Deck's had its fun in the sun, but enough already.

Sangen Kaimen: Same story as Chundra

Zoodiac Barrage: I don't have much to say.


Cyber Jar: Strange to see that in this day and age.

Danger?! Jackalope and Danger?! Tsuchinoko: I've no big problem with these. Certainly not now

Eva: Dunno how to feel about this one. I've memories of Drytron.

Performapal Monkeyboard: Okay, cool. Still don't like this archetype.

The Dragonrulers: Crazy to think they're all back. I do like Redox, though.

Dinowrestler Pankratops: I've no problem with this. Destruction ain't what it used to be anyways.

Lunalight Tiger: I don't like Lunalight, but we'll see what comes of this.

Rescue-Ace Air Lifter: Nothing to say right now.

Thunder Dragon Colossus: I did not miss you.

Ib the World Chalice Justiciar: You I did. Especially given how much I paid for a copy.

Opening of the Spirit Gates: Good! No need to drag Sacred Beasts down with Yubel

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