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Best dueling experience?

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Right, here's mine. I was playing noob one time, who called me a cheater for playing by the rules. (Lulz.) This guy was playing 2 Pot of Greeds, 3 Cyber Dragon, you know? I'll just write out the last two turns, starting with his MP2. For reference, the guy I'm referring to is Nine Tail Naruto, dueling in Traditional Format.



1. "Fusion Recovery", to fetch back "Polymerization" and "Cyber Dragon" (not used as fusion material, WTF?).

2. "Polymerization" on "Ancient Gear Golem", "Ancient Gear" and "Ancient Gear Cannon" to Fusion Summon "Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem".

3. Ends turn.



1. "Heavy Storm", to wipe his back row.



1. Chains "Magic Jammer", discarding "Cyber Dragon".

2. "Call of the Haunted" on "The Calculator".



2. "Harpie's Feather Duster", to wipe his back row again.

3. Flip Summon both of my "Gravekeeper's Spy", does not activate Special Summon effect (no targets).

4. Tribute face-down "Sangan" to Summon "Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch", does not activate discard effect (he has no hand). Grab "Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive" with "Sangan".

5. "Change of Heart" on "Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem", switched to my field.

6. "Monster Reborn" on "The Calculator", now with 8400 ATK.

7. Battle Phase, attacks him with all five monsters, dealing 17000 Life Points.



1. Proceeds to whine, complain, and make rude remarks regarding sexuality.


And this was just my clunky Monarch Deck with a few banned cards thrown in. :/


Overkilling = <3

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His Field: Spirit Reaper, Giant Germ, Giant Germ


LP: 1000


My hand: Soul Exchange, Caius, Thestatos, Raiza



Theres been better but thats from today

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back when i was a noob

i played my freind stephen

and my deck had uraia and allt he phinxes and stuff and he had a whole bunch of hard to summon mona=sters that are powerful


well anyway it was a really long epic duel very reminicant of the anime, as i managed to summon thinien phinx ha yhea i kno


but it was the most epic duel EVER

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Pulling an Ohm Zombie OTK on the second turn.


Killing a Horus LV8 which managed to lock my freshly built Counter-Zombie (with ZERO monster removal Effect Monsters, since I forgot to put them in lol) on turn two.

Opponent got cocky, let my Trunade through and decided to use Bribe instead of LV8, I Solemn the Bribe, get Gyon out and kill LV8 (which was his only monster on the field), then Zombie swarm.

I think he was a definition of a bad player.

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Chimeratech Overkilling this kid I dueled. He had Marshmallon face-down. I had a 6000+ ATK Chimeratech Overdragon equipped with Big Bang Shot. I attacked once. I lost 1000 lifepoints. He lost a lot. I kept attacking it with Chimeratech and probably killed him 3 times over in total.


Another one was when I beat this kid on my first turn with Cyber Twin Dragon. I think I beat him in less than 20 seconds.


And my most recent ones. All of them involve utterly thrashing 3 different Six Samurai decks with my Macro Monarchs.

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