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Problem Solving Card Text


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Problem Solving Card Text (PSCT) is the way that yugioh cards are written.  To make yugioh custom cards, one must also look at how yugioh words their cards with PSCT because cards with clearer PSCT blend seamlessly into the yugioh cards.  

Let's get into the basics.

  • Anything that starts a chain MUST have a ; or : in front of their effect.
  • Otherwise it is a Continuous effect which doesn't start a chain. (e.g. All Warrior monsters you control gain 500 ATK/DEF.)

Basic PSCT is structured like this: 

Condition: Cost; Effect 

The Conditions are when the card can be activated.  The Cost is what must be paid to activate the effect. The Effect happens when the Conditions and Cost are properly met. 

Quick vs. Trigger Effect 

A Quick Effect happens on BOTH player's turn.  It is indicated by (Quick Effect): Cost; Effect.  A Trigger Effect is usually in response to something (<Action X>: <Effect Y>).  If you write a Trigger Effect, there's no need to say (Quick Effect) because you know when EXACTLY that card will activate.  (e.g. of Trigger Effect, When you opponent Summons a Level 4 or lower monster: You can Special Summon this card from your hand.) 

Ignition Effects 

Ignition Effects are effects that can be activated only in the Main Phase 1 or 2.  These are written as follows:

  • Once per turn: You can <Cost X> (optional); <Effect Y>.
  • During your Main Phase: You can <Cost X> (optional); <Effect Y>. 

They require an open game state to work.  


Edited by WhiteThunder777
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18 hours ago, LazerSwordKirbo said:

No problem. Wouldn't want newbies to think they have to add unneeded complexity to their simpler cards.

And that is what PSCT is for.  With clearer PSCT it's easy for one to deduce card rulings.

That being said, you don't want to use banned and limited cards for writing your custom yugioh cards.  

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9 hours ago, Alien Nation said:

I'm really curious about your custom cards. I really have high expectations.

I worked on these cards myself, the art was a team effort from me and 1 other person. It is an archetype of Cyberse monsters with various attributes that have Equip Spells that are divided into 2 types

If sent to the GY or banishment: Do X.

If sent to the GY: Do X. If banishment: Do Y.

And it's about Equip Spell manipulation and recycling them.  

The archetype name, VR☆flux is based on Virtual Reality (VR) and flux meaning constantly changing, thus Virtual Reality is constantly changing.  

https://www.duelingbook.com/deck?id=16116239 - the original 12 cards 

https://www.duelingbook.com/deck?id=16238591 - The 2 Expansion 1 cards meant to support my archetype.

I do apologize for the long wait.  Here are the cards as requested.

Edited by WhiteThunder777
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9 hours ago, Alien Nation said:

I'm really curious about your custom cards. I really have high expectations.

I worked on these cards myself, the art was a team effort from me and 1 other person. It is an archetype of Cyberse monsters with various attributes that have Equip Spells that are divided into 2 types

If sent to the GY or banishment: Do X.

If sent to the GY: Do X. If banishment: Do Y.

And it's about Equip Spell manipulation and recycling them.  

The archetype name, VR☆flux is based on Virtual Reality (VR) and flux meaning constantly changing, thus Virtual Reality is constantly changing.  

https://www.duelingbook.com/deck?id=16116239 - the original 12 cards 

https://www.duelingbook.com/deck?id=16238591 - The 2 Expansion 1 cards meant to support my archetype.

I do apologize for the long wait.  Here are the cards as requested.

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  • 3 weeks later...

PSCT has the following conjunctions:

Let A and B be two distinct parts of the same effect.

  • A also B means do as much as you like.
  • A then B means that if A fails to occur, B does not occur.
  • A and if you do B means that if B cannot happen, you still do A.
  • A and B means that if A and B must happen at the same time otherwise nothing.

So as we can ALL see, also is the most flexible keyword whereas and is the most restrictive.  In terms of flexibility we have also > then = and if you do > and.  

PSCT is also important when card rulings come out. 

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