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A deadly RP


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K here U can post your character and um if you want to make more than 1 character (but only up to 3 characters U can make) go for it. This take place at a dueling contest and people join plz join it is like a new RP only without those rules here are my rules.



1. can only make up to 3 characters

2. give me a link to the deck U use

3. 8000 LP


Use this thing U use.








Post my character later if U don't understand the rules just say I don't understand the rules and I'll explain them to U.

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Donny sat on a chair among many duelists walking in all directions. He was fiddling with his duel gauntlet and shuffling through his deck. He knew that if he couldn't find a challenge, one would definitely come to him. Also, he knew weaker duelists would desperately run off in all directions looking for a challenge. Once he got warmed up after facing one of the weaker duelists, he'd be ready to take on duelists of his level.


Out of the corner of his eye, Donny saw a kid chatting up a storm with the tournament's host. He thought to himself, "I wonder if he'd put up a good fight? Nah. He's probably using the host to keep duelists away from him until he finds an even weaker person to battle." He kept sitting around for another 5 minutes. "Ok, this is NOT working!" he said to himself. "I've got to find a challenger or I won't get very far in the tourney!"


OOC: Is it a Single or Double-Elimination tournament? Or a Star-Chips/Locator Card type thing?

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