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"Primordial"/"Sin" Archetype [Complete(?)] - Thoughts and Reviews Appreciated


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Ah, shit. Here I go again.

Welcome, to... this. This gigantic list is my finished (?) archetype, and I use the question mark because it is never really finished. I have thought 4 times already that I have finished it but alas, I keep adding. But to be honest, I don't think I can fit much more unless I branch it out to Synchros too, which I will not be arsed to do so.

Explainations (and introductions) are in order.

Hi, I am Asmodeus, and this is my first archetype.

The "Sin", and by extension the "Primordial" archetype revolves around the banish mechanic in its entirety. As I said in my wayyy older post about it, which I think is currently locked/hidden, "banish your cards, banish your opponent's cards, banish the field, banish the GY, banish his LP". Or something along those lines.

It still applies. You do everything by banishing. Your cost is banishing (unless you bring out "Den of Sin", but you'll read about it later) and you get stronger the more you banish. You have a plethora of effects which means a plethora of ways to banish.

Apart from the banishing, your pieces are mostly extremely high level DARK-Fiend Effect Monsters that can only be Special Summoned by fulfilling their conditions, for example by banishing 3 face-up "Sin" cards on your field. You might think, "wow, that's steep". It is. For a normal deck. Here, you will find that you won't be THAT bothered about steep costs. They ain't kindergarten easy, but they are not hard either.

Another gimmick of this archetype is that every single monster on it has 0 DEF and they all share the effect of getting instantly destroyed if switched to face-up Defense Position, with the only exceptions being the plenty boss monsters. I'll stop you right there; the fact that the boss monsters are plenty doesn't mean they all fit in a single deck. Some of them are simply impossible to utilise in the same deck. And with that said, I will move on to the last two things I'd like to touch upon.

This archetype has access to Ritual, Fusion and Xyz Monsters with two Link monsters (now my comment about Synchros makes more sense). The emphasis is on the Xyz and Fusion monsters and could be utilised in the same list, but it ain't easy. The big bosses mostly need full commitment on one side or the other.

The last point.

As of now, the archetype is 97 cards long. It is on the bigger side, as is apparent. I remember in my old post someone told me that I shouldn't make it larger than 90 cards because a Deck can fit 60 or something along those lines.

I completely disagree. This is not a minor engine you can squeeze in other decks. This is no Structure Deck. It is a full-blown archetype with the appropriate size and it is better off that way. You, the reader, have full agency over how you would like to play it. You can mix and match, you can play around, you can experiment, you can mix it with other archetypes or engines, you can go for 40 card decks or 60 card decks. You can go full effect monsters, you can go Primordial Void Turbo, Xyz Only, Fusion Only, a mix of both, a mix of all.

You are free to do as you like. I honestly don't know what people actually do when they check on a new archetype. They want to fuck around and fantasise about making a deck out of it? Do they actually do it on Dueling Book and/or EDOPro or what-the-name-is of that fanmade game? Do they print the cards and fuck around with friends? Do they just appreciate it for what it is, an expression of a form of art by a lover of Yu-Gi-Oh? Maybe they use it for inspiration?

All apply and I accept it all. In fact, I would be most honored if any one of you did any single of these things.

When I make a card, I make sure it is complete. I try to source the best possible artworks from Google and Pinterest. No matter whether I succeed or not, I try to have the perfect PSA on them, I try to think of balance (I will not delude myself, some shit you'll see is not balanced.). But even if I fail at those two, I try my best to provide quality. Something that yeah, you could imagine it being an actual product of Konami.

That said, I will not be able to make the perfect post. The cards are simply way too many to post with Names, Effects, Attributes etc on text. It saddens me, but it would be too tedious, both for me and you, the reader, as well.

I sincerely hope you enjoy this, and I would love your feedback below, whether positive or negative.


Effect Monsters:



Ritual Monsters:



Fusion Monsters:



Xyz Monsters:



Link Monsters:

I have to say something here. Is "co-linking" referring to TWO link monsters being linked to each-other? If yes, these two boys are fucking useless. The intended effect I wanted was that monsters these cards points to have X and Y effects applied. I would appreciate a correct PSA on these two.



Spell Cards:


Trap Cards:



Edited by PrinceAsmodeus
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  • PrinceAsmodeus changed the title to "Primordial"/"Sin" Archetype [Complete(?)] - Thoughts and Reviews Appreciated
  • 1 month later...

I can see these cards being added officially. This is amazing. I would pay money to get this deck. Just 2 things. It's "cannot be summoned any other ways", not "cannot be summoned by any other means". Also, it's "cannot be normal summoned/set", not "cannot be normal summoned or set". Again, amazing deck though!

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