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The Great War!(PG-13)(no more accepting of apps.)

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Vivian smiled at San-Xander. ``Your enemy, my Child, will be revealed in time.'' he walked over to the Sohartan and looked him in the eye. ``There will be many mysteries that must not be revealed to you yet. Not when there are still battles to be fought, allegiances to be found. Disorder has already spread across your friends. Sario Ojima and Meti Soharta are already facing off. All because of Zetsumei.''

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Xander jumped at his name. "Him? My friends could die because of. . Zetsumei?" He became enraged, like never bbefore. (distorted voice) "I have to stop them. No you fool! Let them fight! But they'll kill each other! SO?! That makes this fight easeir!" Xander curled up into a ball on the ground. Vivian was shocked. He watched strangely as the Sohartan began to separate into two beings.


One half of Xander picked up the other half and tossed its clone down the mountain. "Sorrya bout that," said Xander. He chased after his clone. "What the hell? You again!" Yes "Xander me again! But this time, I'll be the one victorious!" No! I don't think so!" The darker side of Xander began to control this fight. "The first one of us to hit the bottom will die. You do know that right Xander?" asked the Dark half. "Yea," he said kicking his dark half so that he was now on the bottom of the mid air fight. The bottom of the mountain was only a few hundred feet away. "Looks like I win, now get back inside my head before you perish." No Xander, you lose." saod the Dark half. "What? What are you-" The dark half managed to reverse the air combat so he was above and Xande was below. They hit the bottom.


The dark half stood up, triumphant. He grabbed Xander by the neck and began absorbing his energy. Xander was one being again. But he was no longer Xander. Hs name?


ooc: New Look [spoiler=HIS NAME]346qbo4.jpg



ooc2: In time Meti. I'll have mine there

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"When your ready Jax, meet us down at the lake, i wish to see them spill each others blood" Zetsumei said as he, Zet and Angia walked towards the lake but before they could get any closer a barrier stopped their progression, "We can still get a good view from here" Zetsumei said as he and Angia set on a rock together, waiting for the fight to get good...

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OoC: Sorry, I had these plans for a long time, and hell on earth will only change my plans.


The stare down finished, the Captains took their stances. Meti to the left, Sario to the right. And it seemed like only a second ago, they were regretting their descision, but it was too late, there was no getting out without killing the enemy, and this time, both friends, were the enemies.

Then, with an explosive power and force, both Sohartans charged simultaniously, and both shouted the same exact thing, "Soharta Technik! Big Bang Shot! Level 3" And both fighters collided with their fists in the very center of the lake. The shockwave was so immense, that the very lake itself tidel waved outward from their spot, and the very earth rumbled intensely.

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ooc: Hey, you're good. Sephirtoh really is Hell on Earth. So what's that make Zetsumei? Retardation on earth? No I'm jk.


He sored back up the mountain without even trying. It was like brething to him. "Ah Vivian, its been too long. You haven't changed much."

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"Don't worry, he's fine. I only abosrbed him. It gives my strength a tad bit of a boost. I dare say you aren't realeasing THAT are you? Because I want to enjoy my limit here. After all, you know that by breaking my deal with Xander, I won't return unless he's killed. Or unless YOU break the seal on my spirit. But for now, what do you plan? I'm in the mood for some. . .fun if you will."

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Both Sario and meti were quick on the recovery, but meti was quicker, for he dissaparated right infront of Sario and called out "Aura technik, Blood Shot!" And he forced his fist straight into Sario's stomach, but grabbed him before he could fly too far, and threw him into the middle of the lake.

"Why aren't you fighting back? You should be twice as powerful as this." Meti shouted as he kacked Sario in the side as he was attempting to recover, and he ended up rolling onto his back. "Well, if you aren't going to fight back, San-Sari, then you'll have to die. You can join all the other Sohartans. Say hello to San-Saze for me." He said, aiming his palm at Sario. "Aura Technik, Hazel Bla..." But he could not finish his incantation, for Sario had reacting finally, by dissaparating to behind Meti, and casting a very lagre lightning bolt into Meti's back. It had little effect though. "Quit holding Back! Hazel Blast!" Meti screamed, succeeding in blasting Sario off his feet and slamming into the barrier. Sario coughed up blood, it would be the end for him. Meti was not the kind of Shakari to hold back when facing against his own brethren. And as Meti came walking towards him, with malice and anger reflecting in his eyes, Sario wished for nothing more then to end the battle right then, but it was impossible, one of them had to die.

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Jax walked forward and saw a figure in the moonlight. "Jax what happened to you?" The figure said to Jax. Jax turned to the mysterious man and looked at him. "I have been reborn to fight for evil and will help Zetsumei achieve his goals for his own reasons." The figure nodded his head from right to left. "Thats not the Jax I remember." Jax looked at the ground and nodded his head then looked at the figure once more. "THE JAX YOU KNEW IS DEAD!" Jax lunged at the figure, but he was gone...


ooc: this figure is of a certain man, but right now its just jax' mind making false images.

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OoC: Of course he's really gone. He really made a statement about it himself. Meti was one of my role-models. I'm considering leaving, but yet I can't leave, without fulfilling my ambition. To be respected and revered equal or even greater than Meti. And be remembered. Don't expect to see any more of my posts in this thread, FFR. Meti is dead, so the Great War is dead as well.

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