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The Great War!(PG-13)(no more accepting of apps.)

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name: Kai Takeda


Age: 19 1/2


Weapons: my hands,poison kunai,5 kama`s with chains that tear enemy`s in half


Skills: chain killer, pressure point strike


Spells: all wolf spells and also Shadow stealth (can hide in a person`s shadow and kill someone)


Army: Chaos


Bio: a boy who got rights to his own army at the age of 16. he loves wolfs and can summon wolfs to devour opponents and rip them to shreads. he is very violent and deadly and loves to stay in people`s shadows and kill them



appearance: Ninja.jpg

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"I have a Aura Blade, it doesn't need to be sharpened, but you guys take your time and tell me when your ready" Zetsumei said as he returned to his seat and started to watch the battles again, "Its almost time, and after this me and Angia will get to be together" he was thinking as he started to plan out his next move.....................

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``So it begins...'' the Mage chuckled, and vanished causing the attacks to go through thin air, and having Vivian land on a tree. ``Now, attack! Yukren, you know the weakness of Xander's sword, you attack him. Kyro, take Senju and Meitsu, you seem pretty cocky, let's see how you fair against Meti. The rest of you, attack!''


OoC: This would be good time to show some more NPCs that serve Vivian, FFR. (Like traitorous Gods and Titans. Also Daemons and God Dragons.)

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100's of water water based demons sprung from the waters of the lake and were now heading to the shoreline. Two men in cloaks quickly punched Meti and Xander away from Vivian. The first man looked at the Meti and Xander. "They currently at cords 55,89 and 58, 93." The other man looked at Meti and Xander as well. "No problem they'll go out with a, BANG!"



Urks(God of Accuracy)

Leesta(God of Explosions)


Jax, Hisan, and Senju were fighting off the demons from attacking Sario as he was still awakening and Setsuay couldn't defend him...

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San-Xander stood still' date=' waitinng for his opponent to strike. His opportunity came as this mysterious man launched an explosive fist his way. Xander spoke in a quiet tone of voice, "Secrt Technique. Bankai."


ooc: LMAO my friend just recently got me into bleach, so yeah


ooc: Don't make the techinic system stupid...LOL

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OoC: Isn't Xander facing Yukren? The other two should be facing the others' date=' forgot their names. And don't forget Bahamut, God King of Dragons, FFR. And traitorous Titans. And maybe send some more Gods to face Jax and Co.



Bahumut and Traitorous will come in in like 2 posts and God Phantom nothing justifies you having a Bankai Technic...lol


Yukren dodged Xanders technic move. "You'll need better then that."


Meitsu stood in front of Meti and waited for a good move to make. "Come on, my friend."


Kyro was at the beach with Urks and Leesta. Jax fell to a knee. "Theres no way after taking Kratos'es attack and using my Lvl 4 I have to sit this one out." Jax and Setsuay walked back a bit so Jax could heal. Hisan looked at the three. "Dang, will do this by ourselves..."


Meti vs. Meitsu

Hisan vs. Urks

Senju vs. Leesta

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Xander dissaparated as he was struck by Yukren. "That's why I always have a spare Fire Clone. Heh. You're not bad yourself, for a God."


Kratos charged madly at Vivian, knowing he would die. All the while he was thinking *KILL ME!!! TAKE THIS PAIN AWAY!!!* Like a jagged knife, each step Kratos took caused him more agony and pain. He couldn't bare much more.

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Meti jumped down to guard Sario and Setsuay. "Run! get away from here!" He commanded Setsuay. He stared down at his opponent, who had followed him down.

"Now we can't have this in the way." He said as he clutched the threads of his cloak and threw them off. "Now it's time for a real battle. You make the first move. Unless you're too much of a coward."


OoC: [spoiler=Meti's appearence without his cloak]35b5jlz.jpg


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Vivian raised his eyebrows. ``I thought that you would be better than this, Kratos.'' He raised his arms. ``I'll bet I can defeat you with just a Level 2 Spell, your so weak. Flames of God, Level 2.''


An inferno erupted around Kratos. When the flames died down he was just a pile of ashes. ``What the-'' Vivian raised his eyebrows. ``I actually thought that Kratos would be a challenge...'' he shrugged. ``Oh, well.''

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Meitsu stared at Meti and looked at his appearance. "I already started." Suddenly Meti had a glare in his eyes and then Meitsu was in front of him and punched him in the face before he could react. The punch sent Meti back about 20 feet......


Yukren Eyeballed Xander a little and then made his move. "Swiping shadow hands, dark technic, Lvl 2." 30 shadowy arms came out of the water and wrapped all around Xander. "Dark Palm, Dark Technic, Lvl 2." Yukren dug his palm into Xander's body and did some massive damage to his shoulder. The hands then let Xander go. Yukren turned around fast then jumped back knowning that he hadn't finished his opponent with two mere easy done technics...


Hisan and Senju weren't taking anything lightly having a three against two setting as of right now. Hisan looked at Urts with big intentions. "Dang, we need to watch out for Urks Senju." Senju looked at Hisan. "Yes I know." Kyro came at the two but Hisan and Senju jumped over him. They kicked off each others feet to dodge some explosions from Leesta, and then jumped back to dodge Urks mysterious power. Kyro smirked a little. "Looks like these two have done some homework, huh?"

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Xander suffered greatly, but the loss of a shoulder couldn't hold him back. "Flash Tecnik. Fire Flash Lvl 2." By the time Yukren knew what was happening Xander had launched him into the air, and wrapped in a blanket of fire. "Rage Tecnik. Death to the Beholder Lvl 2." But of course, Xander used an exploding kick to send Yuken pummeling to the ground, breaking one of his legs.


Kratos ashes were blown away in the wind. As they hit the ocean, a massive blob of darkness formed a body. Kratos' body. "This. . .time. . .I'm taking. . .you. . .with me. . .Vivian!" He prepared his final technik.


"Disgrace Tecnik. Self Sacrifice Lvl 4." Kratos wrapped his gigantic arms around Vivian, holding him in place. "Goodbye." Kratos blew himself up, and when the nuclear like blast cleared, Vivian had actually suffered SOME damage; but he was still standing.


"Fool." Vivian said triumphantly.

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Meti was sent flying away from Sario, but he was prepared. "Aura Technik, Wake Up Call, level 2!" And about three dozen (that's 36) wolves of emense size, rose from the very ground itself. "Emphate!" He called out finally and all of the wolves started baring down upon Meitsu.

While Meitsu was being distracted, Meti dissaparated right behind him, and called out "Aura technik! Dionysphere, Level 3" and he thrusted his fist straight into Meitsu's spine, though his hand had been engulfed within a very bright purple aura, so the damage was alot greater than it looked.

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Yukren looked at Xander then shredded his bones to un-brake his leg. "Pfft, who do you think I am? Bone shedding is the easiest trick to do. Although humans and "sohartans" as you call them, there minds couldn't comprehend." Yukren was in front of Xander and grabbed his head. "Spread of Darkness, Dark Technic, Lvl 3." Yukren landed a direct hit as his hand was on Xanders head. Xander was feeling that he just gained a lot of power and was wondering why.


Meitsu was gone from Meti's sight, and was already behind Xander. He also put his hand on Xanders head. "Spread of Light, Light Technic, Lvl 3." Xander again found himself increase with large power.


Kyro left Urts and Leesta with teleportation and grabbed Xanders head again. "Spread of Fire, Fire Technic, Lvl 3." Xander felt more power then he had ever felt before more power even then Kratos could comprehend.


Meitsu, Yukren, and Kyro had a different power about them now. Yukren turned to Xander. "We are now not human nor god, such as Meti and Sario, though were not Sohartan's either." Meitsu then turned to Xander as well. "We gave you all of our godly power." Kyro didn't turn to Xander, but still said something. "Now you take that and go kill Vivian we'll go aid Hisan and Senju." The three fighters left Xander and went to fight with Hisan and Senju....
















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Urts and Leesta we're now fighting the five vs two way. "Cords 23, 42." Meitsu felt a force push him back into a rock. "Dangit forgot your power for a minute didn't I, Urts." Meitsu ran back at Urts. "Light Parade, Light Technic, Lvl 2." A huge beam of light went after Urts. "Cords 11, 17." Urts dodged the beam of light and was ready to fight again...

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Sario was fully awake now and fully aware of what was going on.

"You alright?" Meti asked.

"Yeah, and I'm ready to fight. Who's on our side?" Meti pointed them out for him. "Alright." And Sario jumped to fight Urts with Meitsu, screamed "Pure technik! Exo-Surge!, Level 2!" And he shot 50 seperae charges of lightning at Urts.

"Aura Technik! Sunfire Shot! Level 2" Meti called out, launching a great shower of small flaming comets at Leesta.

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Leesta made all the comets explode in mid air. Urts chanted out at 50 separate coordinates and dodged all the blasts. Leesta giggled a little. "Now I'm having fun! Explode at the touch, Lvl 3." Leesta ran and touched Sario slightly, but it made a huge explosion on his chest and flew him back, but Jax caught him. "Setsuay." Setsuay ran over. "Healing Touch, Lvl 3." Sario was instantly healed and ready to fight again Jax let him go and he fell. "Come on lets go help them." Hisan through a few crows at Urts which Urts easily dodged. Hisan was then struck with a lightning bolt. "Ouch!" Hisan jumped back. Sario and Jax were struck with bolts to(cause they don't know yet).

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Meti saw Sario fly backwards, but then saw him charge back towards Leesta, so Meti switched his target to Urts and sent 50 more flaming comets at him.


Sario screamed in fury, "Pure Technik! Clash of the Powers! Level 3!" And Sario bursted into an engulfing lightning storm like fashion and thrusted a kick forward, that landed straight into Leesta's gut and sent her flying back into a boulder.

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