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Infected Series Finaly Updated

Mew 101

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[align=center]First of All, I would like to point out that these aren't the infectons where you recolor the pokemon to the color of Deoxys, erase an arm, then slap on Deoxys' tenticles. These are ACTUAL infections.




I personaly like Zigzagoon because he is hard when recoloring in a organized position And I rushed thrugh him, and he turned out just like I wanted him to. If you would like to see an Infected Pokemon thats not on here, I will be free to infect it. Also, all pokemon have been checked for Pokerus before infecting.[/align]

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[align=center]First of All, I would like to point out that these aren't the infectons where you recolor the pokemon to the color of Deoxys, erase an arm, then slap on Deoxys' tenticles. These are ACTUAL infections.



LOL well said. However what's different from them except the color change?

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[align=center]First of All, I would like to point out that these aren't the infectons where you recolor the pokemon to the color of Deoxys, erase an arm, then slap on Deoxys' tenticles. These are ACTUAL infections.



LOL well said. However what's different from them except the color change?

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