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trooper/trooper spirit burn

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alright ever sence fire trooper was made i wanted to make a fire trooper burn and i did and it was decent, snece the realese of light of destruction they made one card that could seriously help out the original stratagy and another card that could add to it. the first card is limit reverse, this card is basically a call for monsters of 1000 ATK or less. can any one say instant 1000 damage? granted you would be stuck with a limit reverse but still. the next card is sort of a side thought its called flame spirit ignis, the moment i read its effect i knew it was a cool card, with volcanic cards and fire trooper and other things you could fill your graveyard with fires to help its effect and the best part is you can tribute it to its own effect. so if you need a bit of last minute damage geuss what the spirit can use himself. so my question is what do you think would be a decent way of useing these cards in a deck


on a side note there is also a card called volcanic queen, my question would be do you control her second effect or does your opponent. either way do you think she is a plausable card in a burn deck, if so how, if not why not?

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