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Hino-Kagu-Tsuchi Deck

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Hmm, as I said, I'm not sure whether or not including an cards that manipulate life points is a good idea here. I just don't have the room.


Still, it's a possibility. Also, The people from Xerocreative are suggesting that I dump Trap Dustshoot for either a 2nd Shield Crush or an Ehren/Drillroid. What do you guys think?

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people are xerocreative are morons' date=' crush is no good, only thing that gets set is ryko or sangan or SR



While some of them most definitely are, the same could be said for YCM. There is certainly a population of members at Zerocreative that know what they're doing, just as there is an intelligent population of members here at YCM.


I already discussed the usefulness of Shield Crush in this deck in my opening post. The question is, do you think that this deck's vulnerability to cards like Ryko or Marshmallon is large enough to justify the use of an additional defensive removal card?


Also, if so, do you think that Shield Crush's speed offsets it's inability to be reused. Or does Ehren's monster status (In a deck with an underwhelming number of no-tribute monsters, thus creating instability.) and reusability justify her inability to remove a a threat in the same turn as I drop down HKT.


Or does it make the most sense to keep Trap Dustshoot in, allowing me to shufle the threat back into the deck prior to it's even hitting the field?

(Though it is only at it's maximum potential in the opening hand.)


@ Tonis: Why Swaps? I only have a few monsters I'd want to swap. (Malicious, Disk Commander, Fear Monger.)


But Yamata is an excellent Suggestion. It can help to speed through the deck until I reach Hino-Kagu-Tsuchi. If only it was 8 stars. Do you think it justifies a spot in the main deck? Or should I just side a pair?

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I didnt take the time to read all teh suggestions so someone may have said this but spell economics or 2? You will be draining life very fast and judging from you low level monsters, a strong fairy meteor crush monster like Goryu can cause trouble if you cant pull the mossoleum in time. If that happens you may need to use spell ec or you wont have the lifepoints to pay.

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Alright, it looks nice.

I wonder how it plays.


Hm, I think there are better alternatives against things like Marshmallon. Ehren or Creature Swap, for example. Those things could also be moved to the side deck, because not many decks run Marshmallon anymore.


Nice deck, though.




It would fit his strategy, but it does not work.

Snipe's effect is a cost.

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Crush meaning CCV, Mind Crush, or Shield Crush?


CCV's already in here. I prefer Dustshot over Mind Crush. Shield Crush? Already got 1 in, but I'm not sure about a second.


Still, I know what you mean about Exiled wasting the summon. That's a pretty big deal here. I mainly did it because he's a searchable method to blow away a Marshmallon or Heraklinos (If my opponent is able to drop it before I can do anything about it.). You don't think he's worth it?


EDIT: Also, pyramid PM'ed me suggesting that I mix this with Gadgets so I can have a consistent flow of monsters should Mausoleum fail me. I have no idea how to make room for such a suggestion, and don't even think that it would mesh particularly well with this deck, but I thought the suggestion had some merit. Does anyone think such a build would be worth looking into?

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