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Hino-Kagu-Tsuchi Deck

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Ok, this deck's game plan is fairly simple. Get Mausoleum on the field, Pay 2000 Life Points to summon Hin-Kagu-Tsuchi, inflict battle damage, and basically win. I'm using the 3 bribes to keep Mausoleum on the field and to protect Hin-Kagu-Tsuchi. They're a better choice than Solemns here because of my scarcity of Life Points. If HKT successfully inflicts damage, I've pretty much got the game. Chances are my opponent would concede at that point, and if not, I'd win in the next couple of turns.


I've also got L&D in here to drain my opponent's removal and make it harder for my opponent to react if I summon Hino-Kagu-Tsuchi. He's great here, as I can get him on the field with minimal waste of resources (just LP), and then my opponent has to waste their own resources to get him back off the field.


One of the biggest flaws with this deck is it's vulnerability to cards like Marshmallon. I've chosen to include a Shield Crush rather than a Nobleman of Crossout for that reason. I don't have room for both Crossout and Lightning Vortex or Smashing, so I have to simplify to a defense-removal card that can eliminate both face-ups and face-downs.


I'm also including Goryu for Marshmallon cards. In a scenario where my opponent has a face-down Marshmallon, I can summon Goryu for the cost of 2000 Life Points, pierce through Marshmallon, inflict 2400 dmg, while taking 1000 from Marshmallon. That's a total net-loss for me of 600 LP, which is pretty much irrelevant, and I now have a large body on the field which can do an additional 2400 dmg to my opponent each turn unless my opponent wastes more removal, which serves my purposes. Marshmallon, Spirit Reaper, and The Fool aren't really going to be that ridiculously common, but they do so much to shut down my strategy that I have to design my deck to defeat them.


Unfortunately, this deck's hugest flaw will probably be unreliability. I'm only running 16 monsters, though with 2 copies of Reinforcement, that's not too bad. The problem is, I only have 4 non-tribute monsters in this deck. Of those 4, only 2, Spirit Reaper and Stratos, are going to be very useful in an early game hand without other support cards. If I don't draw into Mausoleum, Terraforming, or enough turbo cards to reach one of those, I will lose.



Monsters: 17

3 Hino-Kagu-Tsuchi

2 Light and Darkness Dragon

1 Majestic Mech Goryu

1 Dark Magician of Chaos

1 Darklord Zerato

1 Jinzo

2 Destiny Hero - Malicious

1 Destiny Hero – Disk Commander

1 Destiny Hero – Fear Monger

1 Elemental Hero Stratos

1 Spirit Reaper

1 Snipe Hunter

1 Exiled Force


Spells: 19

1 Heavy Storm

1 Mystical Space Typhoon

1 Monster Reborn

1 Premature Burial

3 Mausoleum of the Emperor

2 Terraforming

2 Reinforcement of the Army

3 Trade-In

2 Destiny Draw

2 Allure of Darkness

1 Shield Crush


Traps: 5

1 Crush Card Virus

1 Torrential Tribute

3 Dark Bribe



So, what do you guys think? R/F time!

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Plasma is another card that I did run in my initial version. However, unlike Snipe Hunter, I no longer have any desire to run him in this deck. The reason is simple. I have 4 non-tribute monsters. There is no way I can get Plasma to the field. I cannot pay 3000 Life Points to do so, and I can't even Special Summon him from the Graveyard with Monster Reborn if I dump him for D-Draw.


Unlike Plasma, Goryu actually serves an important purpose in this deck outside of being a legal target for all 3 draw engines. He can deal with annoying stall monsters, and can continue to beat down on my opponent after he or she is reduced to setting top-decked monsters.


Now, your other suggestion has more merit. However, including both Reinforcement of the Army and Elemental Hero Stratos, I still only have 7 targets for D-Draw. I'm not sure I want to reduce that to 6. Do you believe that the deck could run smoothly with so few targets?

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Well, Monster Gate would be pretty bad in this deck. I don't have many monster's I'd like to tribute.


Reasoning, on the other hand, would be great here. I only have 4 Level 4 monsters in the deck, and that is the most common number guessed. However, I do have 3 HKT and 2 LaDD. That's 5 monsters that won't work with Reasoning. And there's also the problem of what to take out.


I only have 8 Level 8 monsters, so I could possibly take out 1 Trade In. But I'd also preferably be at exactly 40 cards, and I'm at 41 right now.


Any ideas or other suggestions?


(And thanks for the compliment Tonis)

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Only noobs guess 4 for reasoning all i can think is drop bribes for solemns


There are plenty of noobs out there Jesus.


And I've already discussed the reasons for my preference of bribes over Solemns in this deck. Due to the use of Mausoleum, Life Points are an extremely valuable commodity. I cannot afford to pay half of them to negate one card, when I can do the same thing by letting my opponent draw one extra card. (That extra card will likely be discarded with the rest of my opponent's hand next turn anyways, so it's a moot point.)

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Eh, assuming everything goes as planned, I shouldn't need more Life Points than I already have. And though it isn't a given that everything will go as planned every time, I'm already very cramped for deck space. It's a possibility though. Does anyone else have an opinion on it?


Does anyone have any others suggestions regarding the deck?

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