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DM Deck (Almost Pure)


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Tribute Monsters x6


Dark Magician of Chaos

Dark Eradicator Warlock

Dark Magician x2

Dark Magician Knight

Dark Magician Girl



Non-Tribute Monsters x14


Skilled Dark Magician x3

Prophet of the Living World x3

Gravekeeper's Spy x3

Gemini Elf x3

Double Coston x2



Spells x17


Knight's Title

Sage's Stone

Thousand Knives

Diffusion Wave-Motion

Dark Magic Attack

Soul Exchange x2

Magical Dimension x3

Mystical Space Typhoon

Heavy Storm

Pot of Avarice

Card Trader

Magical Explosion

Dedication through Light and Darkness



Traps x3


Magician's Circle


Call of the Haunted




The complete DM set (Excluding the Fusions)


NOTE AND BE VERY AWARE!: This is not supposed to be a competitive deck in any manner at all! I just made it because I was bored!

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^ yeah, I meant blast.


Well, you can kinda do a little combo with DMK, although it would be better not to have him.


But it's pretty fun to go crazy with DM combos

(Hint: This deck can work REALLY well... if you set it... usually against little kids that want to see a DM deck own really bad)

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