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[Tersus Effercio] Open For Business! Still Hiring!


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im sowwies cuz i was talkin to someone the other day about the rotatin sigs and he told me that you wouldn sell them cuz theyzz special so.. i apologized to makin them public.. XD


thats alright.. i will just make it an item to sell here.. .


Color of Background Gray


Text: Legendary Series 4

-Color of Text: Brown


Pic: http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg19/hunter994x/Jinzo.png


Picture of three:yes


i will try to make this' date=' though i cannot do it now. ;)




spray recolour

i thought the new rules say you cannot invert pictures unless you made them.

P.S' date='Kale are you open?



i dont know about inverts...


not open right now, but i will be tomorrow..


and that is true..


it is? alright.. magno' date=' cant sell inverts here.


Hey, Kale. I have a new item for sale.


SIGGYS! Free, and here's my example.




(Originally a gift for Cydnoia.)


kay, i will add that to your list. just PM me a template and the price.


i got a question.

do u guys color pics that dont have color? cuz i have a pic that fits my one card but it aint in color. i dont want to use another pic. ill put the card in my signature so u can check it out. if u r able i dont care what color the pic is and i will try to pay what u ask point wise


i dont know that any of us do that...


thanks for asking though. :)


Ryan is back!!!


Items -


Abstract Sigs

Render (doesnt need 1) -

Color (if doesnt have render) -

Text (keep it somewhat small) -

Size -

Border or not? -

Cost - 5 points

Ex. -




Card with Subtype + Effect -

Cost - 2 points

Ex -



Secret Rare Holos -

Deep or Light holo? -

Scanlines? -

Ex - Deep holo


Light Holo -


Cost - 3 points


Splices -

Pokemon (minimum - 3 max. - 10) -

Base -

Other -

Cost - 2-4 points

Ex -



Normal Sigs -

Render -

Text -

Size -

Other -

Cost - 3-5 points

Ex -





wow' date=' you are back?


you just couldnt resist... XD


sure, you are back. ;) you can accept orders whilst i put you back into the shop.


Your Back woo hoo [throws hat up]

and i will be your first costormer


Render - Any good pic of judgement dragon

Text - I judge you " Doomed"

Size - Dont care

Other - Make it look like dark


he can do that now. ;)


well' date=' that is if kale lets this sorry excuse of a ex-worker back in ^-^



i already did.


Kale will


i know.


I think I'll have a a normal Sig from you.

Ok' date=' Render: http://images.quizilla.com/E/Elemental-Cat-Demon/1110932299_h252520bow.jpg


Text: Enemy of Truth

Size: whatever seems right for you

Other- Like What?



he can do this now.


*sits back and waits*

We shall see

*grabs handful of popcorn*



2 things wrong with your order

1 - I am not a worker yet

2 - that is not a render' date=' it is just an images with a white background



mmmmm... popcorn...


*snaps out of it.*


you can accept those orders. ;)


alrighty, i will be in the store tomorrow. ^_^


see ya in the morning...


i will be able to do as many requests as i can. it would be appreciated if you could remind me though. ^_^

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sorry I havnt been able to do much... I have a lot to do before school starts. :|


Anywho, maybe tomorrow I can do your rotator sig, a render request, add two people in the shop, and countless other things. :|


It is tuff being this popular. XD


I bet you wouldnt believe it, but I am a loner in school. Not very many true friends. This site helped a lot during my lonely summer.


I intend to change that though. :D


I won't ever leave the site, if you guys wondered.


I will try to fill those orders.


As always,


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Color of Background:whatever looks good


Text: rise of the mech lord

-Color of Text:red





Picture of three: just 5 points extra you may get a picture of three packs like this one below. You may request to have both a “three pack” and a “one pack” for no extra charge.1 pack please


can u render this please kale

i tryed to find a rendered one but i couldnt

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can you do mine tomarrow to kale


most likely.


Can i get a sig/banner link?



Text: Click this to read my fan-fic: The Rise of the Warwolves

Color: idc


Btw: idk if you guys do these but please try.


Will pay 20 points. Thanks in advance


we will see... it isnt hard to do link sigs. i cant do sigs though.. not skilled enough. someone else could' date=' and i can link it for free. ;)


i could if that was a render, go to rykushinagami's first and get it rendered ^-^


yeah, if Ryan will do it it needs to be a render. ;)


no one here does link banners


i could link it' date=' but someone else would have to make the actual sig. XD


Kale.. dont worry, i kno EXACTLY what your talkin about.. i am the loner of my school, and this site.. man.. i can trust you guys more than iv ever trusted anyone before in reality! XD


my rotator can wait until you wanna do it ^_^ im fine without it for now


wow, you seem to understand me a lot more than i thought... XD i can get it to you asap.


Hey Kale could you recolor this card camoflauge ill pay and tip u if i really like it.


erm' date=' i dont do "Camo" cards. XD i only do colours. i could do dark green for you though. :)


Color of Background:whatever looks good


Text: rise of the mech lord

-Color of Text:red




Picture of three: just 5 points extra you may get a picture of three packs like this one below. You may request to have both a “three pack” and a “one pack” for no extra charge.1 pack please


can u render this please kale

i tryed to find a rendered one but i couldnt


i will see what i can do...


Wow' date=' MCII Totallity, Kale. Its strange but many of my friends have made new friends like me. But if it weren't for this site, I probably wouldn't have too many friends, I have only like 2 or 3 now. So I'm pretty much a loner too.



hmm... interesting. all of us are loners. no wonder we spend so much time here at YCM. XD


isn't that J6 from mechquest?(LVL21' date='star captain,lol) and i think i can render it for you so you get half off.



if you could, that would be soooooo great. XD

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here's the render' date='i hope you can start on the booster now:[img']http://img147.imageshack.us/img147/9716/2lc8cd0wr5.jpg[/img]

and sorry magno if i accidentally cutted off some of his body but i seems like i didn't.


i might be able too..


however, i have been updating my contest. it looks brilliant now!


ooc: you should all join. ;)


anywho, i hope i can start working soon. i have only just woken up, and i havent eaten anything yet, so i dont think i can do anything at my "top notch" level.


when i eat something i will get to work. ;)


dont hesitate to quote yourself to bump your request here...

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ok here's the new one' date='[img']http://img148.imageshack.us/img148/8691/2lc8cd0lh4.jpg[/img]

@magno:it will be free but reps. appreciated but not required.

BTW,if your open i'd like to buy something.


hm.. it seems like he is missing his arm. :|


*Extends Invitation to Kale*

Would you like to be associated with GIMP Outcomes [sHP]?

*Lays out lounge chair waitng for a request*


well' date=' i cant exactly do all the requests here... XD i will think on it though. ;)


hey i can make avatars now

Kale just put me as

" Ask for An avatar whale reqeasting a sig"


alrighty, but did you mean : "ask for an avitar while requesting a sig"? the way you wrote it might give the wrong idea...


btw: sunnybacon wont be coming and working here. :|

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ok here's the new one' date='[img']http://img148.imageshack.us/img148/8691/2lc8cd0lh4.jpg[/img]

@magno:it will be free but reps. appreciated but not required.

BTW,if your open i'd like to buy something.


hm.. it seems like he is missing his arm. :|


*Extends Invitation to Kale*

Would you like to be associated with GIMP Outcomes [sHP]?

*Lays out lounge chair waitng for a request*


well' date=' i cant exactly do all the requests here... XD i will think on it though. ;)


hey i can make avatars now

Kale just put me as

" Ask for An avatar whale reqeasting a sig"


alrighty, but did you mean : "ask for an avitar while requesting a sig"? the way you wrote it might give the wrong idea...


btw: sunnybacon wont be coming and working here. :|

i will next week on monday

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