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[Tersus Effercio] Open For Business! Still Hiring!


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can u recolour these



on the first one colour the silver in orange

on the second one colour the armour in orange

on the third one colour the perple in orange


i dont recolour pics like that' date=' i only do cards. someone else will have to do those.. sorry..

i am pretty sure we have others here that do recolours though. ;)


wow.. i get a job, and lose it in the very moment.. XD


hmm...? what?


Kale I can't work anymore could' date=' you fire me or something





okay... you are... fired.. :(


good by.. i liked your work.


Kale!! iv gots a name change!!!!


cool' date=' should you be stating that here though..?


Thats great MCII (Or I guess now MCII Totality ^^)


kinda spammish.. but i will let that slide. XD


il go by anythins you wantzz me to ^_^


kinda Spammish, but i will let that slide. XD

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ok sorry for wasting ur time


p:s you will have a booster order from me soon


you arent wasting my time' date=' i just cant do them. if anything i am wasting [i']your[/i] time...


well.. my name change i was sayin so you can update the first post.. and about the job thing' date=' that guy needed ocg but he canceled XD



lol, i am going to update the store shortly. ^_^


Ya' date=' um. Kale, Can you put me on as Closed for the moment?



sure, same as response to MCII.

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ps.. when you can' date=' can you fix my banners like youv got yours?? iv got 4 banners.. i think??



the rotator thing?


soon.. i just cant do it now.


did you send those in a PM?


i should add that to the list of stuff i sell, shouldnt i?


Moneyponey: what exactly do you need me to remove? i cant find what it is that you are talking about..

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but i thought that he was just lazy to change the post?


no' date=' i am offline working on Edge of Justice right now...


When AM I getting my booster?


oh, sorry. i knew i forgot something.....


i will do it tomorrow, i hope. :(

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can i have a pic transformation

i want the portal




dual mat


Name of duel mat from provided link:Dark Mat (Armed Dragon)

Hand:rainbow dark dragon/topaz tiger/ruby carnocal

Field:yubel/dark armed dragon/polimerization/evil hero inferno wing


Remove from play:slifer the sky dragon

Life points: 150

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dual disk 11

Hand:de-fusion' date='e.hero blade edge,e.hero wildheart,neospace

Field:e.hero storm neos,clayman,burstenatrix,blue eyes w.dragon


Remove from play:sparkman

Life points:2590



i will see if i can do this..


it might be a while though. my computer is going slow and i cant run photoshop today.. :(


wow, no one commented until now.. they must be getting tired of my items.



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