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[Tersus Effercio] Open For Business! Still Hiring!


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sorry kale *I see no final paycheck*

but I did request that your shop becomes stickied ^-^


yeah, you did. ^_^ thank you, my friend. it did eventually make its way there. ;)


ooc: did you see the new Ally Monsters i posted? you could take a look... *hint hint*

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I Would go with


When this card is Special Summoned or Flipped Summoned, select one of the following effects.


- Select 1 monster card in the graveyard and remove it from play. Select 1 monster on the field. That card gains ATK equal to the ATK of the monster that you removed from play.


- Select one card in your deck and send it to the graveyard. Select 1 monster on the field. That card gains ATK equal to the ATK of the discarded monster.

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Kale are you going to post my Part with th Monopoly Boards


soon. i had to leave for dinner' date=' so i havnt done much here. sorry.


I'll give you 1/2 my points (Kale) if you can make this Booster Pack


Color of Background: Blue (Bottom) and Black (Top)


Text: Legend of the Blue Eyes/Red Eyes conflicts


Pic: untitled2-1.jpg

PLEASE don't mess with the Tao symbol.


i will get to this asap, but that might mean tomorrow. sorry bout that...


I Would go with


When this card is Special Summoned or Flipped Summoned' date=' select one of the following effects.


- Select 1 monster card in the graveyard and remove it from play. Select 1 monster on the field. That card gains ATK equal to the ATK of the monster that you removed from play.


- Select one card in your deck and send it to the graveyard. Select 1 monster on the field. That card gains ATK equal to the ATK of the discarded monster.



erm, what is this meant for?


no one asked for ocg help, and you dont even work here yet, and you didnt sign up for ocg fixes...


i am really confused.. o.O



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Structure deck:


Color of Box: Black

Color of Text: Silver

What text says: Reign of the Emporer






structure decks are made with card pictures. ^_^ not pictures on the card...


post a card with that image and i can do your request tomorrow. ;)



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Someone did ask for ocg help. He must have deleated the Post and no one was helping him so i helped him


I figured as much.


why would you delete your post? it lowers your post count.. >.<


oh well. thank you for unconfusing me. XD



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