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[Tersus Effercio] Open For Business! Still Hiring!


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How do you make booster packs?


spam in my thread?


*pretends he didnt see it.*


thanks for stickying the thread. i didnt even ask. :lol:


that was very nice of you.


*tips hat*


anywho' date=' as it has been said before, i am very busy with some real-life stuff.


i am trying to get back into the website though.


and i am sorry for any requests that i promised to finish, and i havnt.


anyone who complains, after this, will recieve 1 +rep to stop asking.


*hint, that is a bribe*


^this only applies to requests that were made toward kale before the time of this post, and does not apply to new requests from members until such time as Kale is online once more for requests.


now, please remind me through PM who wanted to be in my shop, and PM me an exact quote-able:






and i will try my best to place them in the shop.


i want you to PM them to me, only because i cant go back and find them manually, it would take to long. XD


i am sorry for any inconvienience i have shown you, and i appreciate all of those who stood up for me. ;)


to all of you, i wish a happy day.



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thx kale for putting me in your shop


you are welcome. ^_^


i am glad that i actually have enough time to do that. XD


please PM me for all questions, like if you want to work here.


unfortunately i cant say when i will have enough time to do requests. it might be next summer. :cry:


i hope that doesnt happen.

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he works at my shop


and you work at mine. ^_^


Everyone is working at everyone's shop to get a better chance of making something. ^_^


Oh well, he asked. And I dont deny people to work here anymore.


I will add him first thing in the morning. ;)

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as it has been about 4 hours and there hasnt been anyone to help you, i will gladly do it. ^_^




you said youd redo it' date='





I would word the effect:


"Once per turn place 2 Demon Counters on this card. You may remove 3 Demon Counters from this card to destroy 2 cards on the field."


but it seems a tad overpowered. and underpowered in a way.


only two turns and two cards are gone.


but you have to destroy two, so if you can only destroy one, that is a bummer.


i guess it is okay, but it isnt a jump out of my seat card. ^_^


i would rank it a 7.3/10 on my scale, with the OCG i provided.


6/10 with yours. ^_^


hope i helped you in what you needed.




EDIT: i think i can do requests today. ^_^


gladly ask for your requests, and if they were previously asked, then ask again. and please dont reroute me to a page, please repost the entire request. you can quote yourself if you like.


i think i will lower my prices too, as they are getting easier to do.


and for packs, if you give me a render, they are half off. ;)


have a good day!

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do you people even read the posts


i asked MCII to do a holo' date='


he done it, but i didnt like it, so he said he'd redo it.


so that order was for him



ah.. okay.


two bits of advise:


1) talk to the person you are asking, IE: "Hey, MCII..."


it lets people know who you are talking too, and who needs to do something.


2) please state what it is that you want them to do.


if they forgot, it would help to restate it. ;)


anywho... no requests? hm...

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