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[Tersus Effercio] Open For Business! Still Hiring!


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aww,i wanted to learn the photoshop way and try to convert it too GIMP2/MSPaint way.read my upper post to find my compressed form and change it before you close your side of the store.

new suggestion?maybe give permission to another person who works here to copy your thread and make a new one in which they are the creator so they can edit the thread since your not going to come here often if you close your side.then ask a mod to lock this thread so it won't ruin everyone's post count.

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well, I am not sure what I am going to do actually.


I have a thing to do all this week that I will be doing from 8-12 central time..


So that puts a limit on things.


I am not saying that it is denied, but it is more of a "request at your own risk" sort of deal. I want to do them, but I might not find the time.


Sorry, very sorry.


Maybe I shouldnt have made my shop again...

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Alright, sorry for the lateness everyone...


Moneypony: i added your compressed form.


guys, i updated the store, i think it is a tad more organized now. ;)


and, i am auto-declining every post that requested something from me recently, cept Dark Hunters because he just asked.


i wont be open for the rest of today, and for the next week i cant possibly be here before noon.


this might continue all the way until next summer, unfortunately.


if you have a complaint about my service, you will receive 50% off of your next purchase. It must be a valid reason though.


now, i must declare my shop finally open once more, only i am not open.. XD


i hope to get you guys more orders, but i cannot do them tonight. maybe tomorrow after noon?


thanks for looking here guys, it means a lot.


-Kale out.


Excalibur: edit: yes, you can. PM me your templates and such.

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