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[Tersus Effercio] Open For Business! Still Hiring!


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sure,once again your my fisrt person so it will be free(but any after that and its 1 point).post what pokemon you want me to unline,maybe ill try it with a non-pokemon.

another example:deoxys,testproduct3nv4.pnga normal version is always shown with the original unless its not a example,the original is for comparison and making it so no one would want to steal the example.

new:i can now recolor the pokemon upon request(just tell me the pokemon whom you want the color to be ex:regigiaphyes9.png,i imagined manaphy being big and tough but i didnt expect it to be like this.

BTW,this thread needs major bump-age.

regigioffetld4.png nuff said

i also want you to add un-lining for 2 points(use the deoxys example from above.)

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*yawns* wow; let's see what my shop is up to now that I am awake.


*gets on yugiohcardmaker*


What is that? Spam? In my thread?


Why is it there? O.o


Thanks for the look out Atomix. I appreciate it very much. ^_^

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wait, you have a shop, and you want to work here to?


okay... ^_^


that makes me happy.


sure, you can work here, and i have seen your work before. it is pretty nice!


and it is always great to have another sig maker here, just in case the other's arent in.


welcome to the team!


i need templates though. ;)

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hmm... i wonder why...


OCG' date=' in case you missed it before, i need ordering templates. ^_^


then you will be set!








5 Points







2 points








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