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[Tersus Effercio] Open For Business! Still Hiring!


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hey, now we do custom card images and holos.


i cant say that i do them, because i dont. but i cannot say who does them either, they wont let me.


so, any request for a custom picture will go through me, and they are free. no need to pay anyone, and you cannot give reps to this person, no matter how much you would like. ^_^


they can be requested at any time, i would assume.


so, feel free to ask!

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i know who it is by the items,but custom image I need ^.^



A bee polinating a flower, the flower is that new black rose dragon (think it is the name, [if you need a render pm me I have it ^.^) and I need a pic of said bee attacking something (not shown) and the hive with bees swarming around it ^.^ I will rep him anyhow ^.^

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erm, i am still not able to do the request.


i am not OPEN. at the top of the page on the front it will say whether or not i am able to do a request. at this time i am not able...


so i will have to ask you to request this when i am able too... which wont be for a while i dont think... sorry.

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Examples - Here

What I do - Banners/Avis

Templates -



Size: [400*130 is normal] [100*100 is normal for avi]

Render: [i can do stock's too]

Text: [What does it say, what font?]

Any specific design:


Hours - Usually 8:00am - 12:00 am and Anytime after 5:30pm. (Mountain Time)

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