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Area 101's Secret [Shop]

Mew 101

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[align=center]Welcome to my shop in Area 101. We got alot of stuff. Now hurry up and Buy something before Government Officials discover us.


[The 1st costomer to order something will have the item they got used as an example][/align]


[spoiler=[b]Mew 101[/b]]Pokémon Splices:

Pokemon 1-6:

Which Game (Not Trozi)

Price: 3 PKMN = 2 Points 6 PKMN = 4


God Splice:

Pokemon 7-20:


Pokémon Infection:



Pokemon Pokedex Entery:




Height(' = Feet " = inches):


Flavor Text:

Cost: 5 points + [if I have to erase part of it] 2 + 3 for each page used for flavor text


Trainer Card:

Trainer Sprite:


Pokémon 1-6

Shiny or Non:

Sprites from Which PKMN Game:

PKMN Gender(M/F/N/A):

Price: 3 Points


Mysteory Dungon Battle:

Pokemon (If Deoxys, tell me which form)(I donot have all sprites from MD):

Location 1-57(Chose a number between 1-57):

Revamped Sprites Yes or No?:

Price: 20 Points





MD Splice:

Pokemon 1-4:




Link to Cards Image:

Text( [spellcaster / Toon] ):








Other Info(Be as clear as you can):

Price: 5-10 (Depend on Dificulity)


Animated Avi:

Images(No more then 30 Images):

Speed(The slower it goes, the better the quality):

Other Info(Be as clear as you can):

Price: 8-15



[spoiler=Stardust Dragon]






Text Style:

Anything Else:

Price: 10




Find a Picture:

BASIC Description:

Test Picture (Extra 2 Points):

Who you want to find(Mew 101/Mikaeo/Stardust Dragon/Marshmellon King):

Price: 1 Point



[align=center]Now Hiring. PM me with what you can do. If Someone already makes it, then we will not hire you unless hat person is having trouble, or if you'ld get morw people to shop here.


Please buy here. All points are sent to this little guy so he can buy food. Look at him. He's so hungry that he eats his food right up & says "om nom nom nom."



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Pokemon Pokedex Entery:



Type:God and Glitch

Height(' = Feet " = inches):7899999Feet and 878678inches

Weight:2,000,000 Pounds

Flavor Text:The creator of all he is the rarest pokemon.He is found in the Hall of Lore.



I will attach the picture.post_83967_1212252833_thumb.attach

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Pokemon Pokedex Entery:



Type:God and Glitch

Height(' = Feet " = inches):7899999' 878678"

Weight:2' date='000,000 Pounds

Flavor Text:The creator of all he is the rarest pokemon.He is found in the Hall of Lore.

I will attach the picture.



Please be realistic. There are no "God Type" or "Glitch Type" Pokemon, Name to long to fit into the page, Height & Weight need to be smaller, Number can only be 3 digit.


could a please have a poke splice of dialga and pikalia dialga the base pikalas head dialgas body collered pakila colors

also one with dialga and pikala exept pakila base dailga head pikala body dialgas colors



Done' date=' but you don't decide the base, head, etc. I put it to where it looks the most natural & follows the Sprite Guidelines


God Splice:

Pokemon 7-20:









Done. Expect it in about 30 minutes.

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Okay, Mew 101, I will test your skills


I want three splices

Starly + Pidgey

Staravia + Pidgeotto

Staraptor + Pidgeot


Pokemon Pokedex Entery:

Name: Stidgely (the Pokesplice of Starly/Pidgey)

Number: 494

Type: Normal / Flying

Height(' = Feet " = inches): 2' 7*

Weight: 5.0 lbs

Flavor Text: It flys in flocks with others but hunts alone. Scientists discovered it in a small grove of trees north of Lavaridge Town.

Cost: 5 points + [if I have to erase part of it] 2 + 3 for each page used for flavor text


Pokemon Pokedex Entery:

Name: Staretto (staravia/pidgeotto)

Number: 495

Type: Normal Flying

Height(' = Feet " = inches): 3' 9*

Weight: 20.6 Lbs

Flavor Text: It hunts Magikarp by flying low over the waters.

Cost: 5 points + [if I have to erase part of it] 2 + 3 for each page used for flavor text


Pokemon Pokedex Entery:

Name: Stariot (Staraptor/ Pidgeot)

Number: 496

Type: Normal Flying

Height(' = Feet " = inches): 5' 3*

Weight: 28.0 Lbs

Flavor Text: It hunts Gyarados in rough waters by flying fast enough not to be seen.

Cost: 5 points + [if I have to erase part of it] 2 + 3 for each page used for flavor text





(Oh and btw I can Make userbars as well)

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Okay' date=' Mew 101, I will test your skills


I want three splices

Starly + Pidgey

Staravia + Pidgeotto

Staraptor + Pidgeot


Pokemon Pokedex Entery:

Name: Stidgely (the Pokesplice of Starly/Pidgey)

Number: 494

Type: Normal / Flying

Height(' = Feet " = inches): 2' 7*

Weight: 5.0 lbs

Flavor Text: It flys in flocks with others but hunts alone. Scientists discovered it in a small grove of trees north of Lavaridge Town.

Cost: 5 points + [if I have to erase part of it'] 2 + 3 for each page used for flavor text


Pokemon Pokedex Entery:

Name: Staretto (staravia/pidgeotto)

Number: 495

Type: Normal Flying

Height(' = Feet " = inches): 3' 9*

Weight: 20.6 Lbs

Flavor Text: It hunts Magikarp by flying low over the waters.

Cost: 5 points + [if I have to erase part of it] 2 + 3 for each page used for flavor text


Pokemon Pokedex Entery:

Name: Stariot (Staraptor/ Pidgeot)

Number: 496

Type: Normal Flying

Height(' = Feet " = inches): 5' 3*

Weight: 28.0 Lbs

Flavor Text: It hunts Gyarados in rough waters by flying fast enough not to be seen.

Cost: 5 points + [if I have to erase part of it] 2 + 3 for each page used for flavor text


I'll do it tomorrow.



Mew101 wrote:


I love pokemon I want to marry it.

That I found in somebodys Sig


1 Thats Spam.


2. Thay must have typed that themselves. Tell me whos sig you found it in.

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