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You are asked to create 6 cards that if drawn on turn one can combine to kill your opponent. No instant win cards, cards must be able to be played if you drawn them normally. Cards must be balanced, OCG is a plus but not forced just try to get the effect as clear as you can.


Bonus points will be given if you use the same artist for each card, a link to the artist sight is a must.


If you have any questions please ask.



June 13


1st:4 rep

2nd:2 rep

3rd:300 points

4th:200 points


Reserved Entires


God Splice






Made Cards






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Okay...I basically thought of a cool word (vortex) and went with it:




Here's how it plays:

1. Activate "Uncertainty of the vortex" (This gets rid of any monsters your opponent played if they had first turn and allows you to play your traps)

2. Summon "Magician of the vortex"

3. Attack with "Magician of the vortex"

4. Activate "Larger than Life" (doubles magician's level for step 5)

5. Tribute "Magician of the vortex" for his effect (summon the tokens)

6. Activate "Vortex force" when the magician is destroyed (the 3 tokens get 2400 ATK each!)

7. Activate "Vortex Blast" to clear the opponent's remaining life


Quickly stop any attempts to counter by your opponent with "Vortex Negation".


Picture Credits (all from deviantART members)


"Vortex Force" - Jed_i_scream

"Larger than Life" - TomFeltonsLover

"Magician of the vortex" - Blacklotus87

"Vortex Blast" - Logan--

"Uncertainty of the Vortex" - diamondrubylove

"Vortex Negation" - BretticusMaximus

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so like exodia?


not like exodia more around the lines of a 6 card combo that can kill your opponent. the cards can be used by themselves if need be. so it can be spell trap or monster cards but balanced not cards that would kill your opponent in one use, all 6 cards must combine together to pull it off, and yet have use in a normal duel if not combined. hope you understand.

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then i shall be the first to post his cards

I do not own any of these pics

credits for "Densetsu","Miho","Zim" and "Janemba" to http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/showthread.php?tid=18348&page=1

the other two pics I found on google,unknown artists.Credits to them.






I'm sure you figured out how to use them to instant win, but to make sure I'll tell you:

So these are your six first cards

-Normal Summon "Densetsu"

-with it's effect Special Summon "Miho" and "Zim"

-Activate "Zim" and pay 2000 lifepoints to Special Summon 2 Tokens

-Activate "Ascension" and offer all monsters on the field as tributes (because of "Miho" they all have ATK of 1000 or more)

-Special Summon "Janemba"

-Activate "Demise of a Fairy", discard the top ten cards from your deck and offer "Janemba"

-9000 damage = Instant win!


hope you like my idea:)

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1st - Play Flare King in ATK mode

2nd - Activate "Cancel Orb". Use on Flare King. Attack

3rd - Activate "Reapers 2nd key - doom orb"

4th - Activate "Reaper's 1st key - grave orb"'s Effect. Attack again

5th - Activate "1st Grave Key - Exploding Power" on Flare King

6th - Use "Power Orbs" effect.



Only way to not win first turn - Play with more than 8000 Life Points.

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Guest setojim

entry reserved








This next card wasn't required, but i didn't want to make a set of these cards w/o "Predazord's" Ultimate attack.




Explanation (even though it shouldn't be needed):


Step 1: Play "Call of Zenaku" to special summon all 3 dark zord cards

Step 2: Activate "Predazord Awaken!" to tribute all 3 dark zord cards to special summon "Predazord"

Step 3: Pay 7900 life points to activate "Predazord's" effect to inflict 7900 points of damage

Step 4: End your turn

Step 5: Activate the effect of "Predazord" to inflict 500 points of damage to your opponent and win.

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