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1st off...don't double post. They put an edit button on there for a reason.

This is the second time I've looked at these cards and, try as I might, I can find very little to say about these cards that is positive. I would strongly suggest you do the following...

1. Scrap all of these.

2. Read the threads on OCG and use a site like the Yu-Gi-Oh! Wikia or your own cards to see how things are phrased and what words are capitalized.

3. Rename the concept to something that sounds better than...Candy.

4. Using this forum, other people's threads(to see what they use...don't take their art), and the previously mentioned wikia...try to find pics that look like something you would actually see on a real card. Hint: realistic cards are not the way to go so, as much as I like Gene Wilder, he has to go.

5. Once you've done all this....take another stab at the project and see if your results are better.


It might not be the what you wanted to read...but you could come out of this experience a better card maker. I hope this helped somewhat. :D

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It's entirely possible to make your idea into something that, dare I say it, actually works. You just need to take the time to do some reading and make the necessary tweaks to make them both realistic cards and unique enough to be your own idea.


BTW, something I didn't mention last time because I forgot. The way I see your concept...you shouldn't really make it into a type. People are overusing types all the time. Just make it a naming convention similiar to something like The Six Samurai or Gladiator Beasts. Uhmmm....off the top of my head let's change one of your cards into an example to show what I'm talking about.


Let's take Gingerbread Man and change it into something like...


Sacrificial Totem - Edible Behemoth


I chose to replace the "Candy" portion of the concept with something that would give the reader the same idea. Since you tribute them to gain benefits...let's get really old school and go with a sacrificial angle. Thus, I chose to call the monster set "Sacrificial Totem." Then you just find artwork that looks like it would 1) actually be used for a YGO card and 2) has a nice Incan/Mayan giant stone statue thingie look/feel to it. Since I chose, for this specific card, the word Behemoth...it should be something big and ominous looking. Then just make the corrections to the OCG and you're 1 card closer to a set.


Now, of course, you don't have to use my idea(you can if you want...just mention me somewhere) if you do not want to because, in the end, they're your creations. What is important here is to see the process and try to be genuinely unique while folllowing it. If you've read enough of these threads then you know that pretty much anyone can make an overpowered dark god king emporer master card. Just see what is being done to death...and do something else.


I hope this helps to set you in the right direction. :D

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but if i do all that,my cards wont really be my cards anymore.i like the way ive done them.if you dont like them,oh well.i just wanted to show the interwebz mah ideas.



also,the entire point of makin these was not to make them like you would,its to show how much i liek candeh.i also like the candy effect.you can eat your own monsters,and get life points at the same time!imagine if they did that in the anime.....0_0

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